5 Shockingly Simple Spring Tips
The arrival of Spring is an exciting time; the flowers begin to bloom, the
grass comes alive and the birds begin to sing. As you prepare for some
spring cleaning, we want to help you ensure you’re in compliance with
Millcreek Township code.
The Millcreek Township Property Maintenance Code (MTPMC) is the standard for properties in the
Township. Here are 5 violations commonly found at residential properties.
1. Grass and Weeds – All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds and
plant growth in excess of eight inches (8”). This does not include cultivated flowers and gardens.
(MTPMC 302.4)
2. Premises Identification – Owners of all buildings shall affix and maintain assigned numbers (at least
3” residential, 6” for commercial) upon that side of the building that fronts upon the street. (MTPMC
3. Motor vehicles – Except as provided for in other Township ordinances, no inoperative or non-
operating motor vehicle shall be kept or stored on any premises. An inoperative vehicle is one
without a current registration and valid inspection sticker. A non-operating motor vehicle is one that
is not in a condition to drive across the roadways. (MTPMC 302.8)
4. Accumulation of rubbish or garbage -- All exterior property, and the interior of every structure, shall
be free from any accumulation of municipal waste or recyclable materials. (MTPMC 308.1)
5. Protective treatment – Exterior wood, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected by
painting or other protective covering. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated, and
surfaces repainted. (MTPMC 304.2)
Potential fines for non-compliance can be $250 - $1000 per violation, per day
To read the entire code you can visit us at MillcreekTownship.com
and navigate to Code Enforcement.