several months of hard work while they organized the sale of their house and dealt with decades of accumulated items . All of them also knew that not making a decision would most likely result in an outcome they didn ’ t want : putting how their life would unfold in someone else ’ s hands .
Their advice : Don ’ t wait to make a decision that you know in your heart you should make now . Retirement communities can be more affordable than you think . Make a move while you can still benefit from a community that is designed to help you continue to age safely and well . At Springhill , our Move-In Coordination Services and Coordinator can make preparing your home for sale and planning your move much easier than you think . Call 814.860.7042 to learn how !
This Christmas brought more than Erie ’ s weather-jaded residents had bargained for – more than 65 inches of snow in one week . But it ’ s not just weather emergencies that make the value of remaining in your home as you age something worth weighing carefully .
• Do you have the ability to keep your home in good repair , or do you have affordable , reliable service providers ?
• Do you have an easy , reliable way to get food , cash and prescriptions in good and bad weather ?
• Do you have daily social interaction with others ? ( TV and the internet don ’ t count !)
• Do you have a plan if you are no longer able to take care of your meals , laundry , and medical care ?
• Is your home accessible should your mobility be compromised ? Ready or not , aging has a way of moving us to new stages . Those who seem to do it best are those who plan ahead and are transparent with themselves and others , know their limits , and know when change is in their best interest .
For one Springhill Senior Living couple , their revelation came when another ferocious Erie winter created a flood in their pantry despite a roof that was just three years old .
For others , it was the cost of home maintenance , a fall from a ladder , or the realization that while their house was lovely , they were too often alone in it .
All of them had a difficult decision and