and books piled on top of a desk . Create a home for everything on your desk . Set aside a space for writing utensils , notebooks , and hardware that is neat and tidy . A filing cabinet is best to organize papers and store supplies .
• Multipurpose surfaces and furniture : Finding multipurpose furniture for small office spaces is key for optimal use of space . Mobile furniture makes packing up after a long day of work a breeze . Use wall space as storage , with desks that fold back into a wall mount . Avoid purchasing furniture that looks like it would be found in an office . If you ’ re utilizing a room for several different purposes , shop around for furniture that complements the look of the entire room .
Home trends are shaping up to add comfort and value to homes . Focus on accenting natural features both inside and outside . Smart homes look to be the future , but these innovative technologies will bring a new dynamic to homeownership , with challenges of maintaining security being top of mind . Find a balance in your home-decorating style by adding features that bring out the very best in you and your family . Whether it ’ s a pop of color in your kitchen , or a fantastic feature in your backyard , make your home your own this year . ■
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