IN Millcreek Fall 2024 | Page 10



Millcreek Township Building Directory

Hours Monday through Friday 8 a . m . – 4:30 p . m .
Main Switchboard 814.833.1111
Supervisors 814.833.1111
Zoning 814.833.2935
Engineering 814.833.6096
Streets 814.833.4527
Parks & Recreation 814.835.4122
Millcreek Police 814.833.7777 ** non-emergency
Sewer Authority 814.835.6721
Millcreek Paramedic Service 814.836.8677
Berkheimer Associates 1.800.360.8989
Millcreek Tax Collector 814.838.8666
Judge Laurie Mikielski 814.451.6518
Millcreek Township millcreektownship . com
MYAA Schedule myaasports . com
Millcreek School District mtsd . org

Hello , and welcome to the Fall edition of IN Millcreek Magazine . Who can complain about the weather we had over the Summer ? It ’ s just what we needed to help us enjoy all the activities and adventures that Summer brings every year .

Get ready for a lot of information coming your way . Our Parks and Recreation Department will highlight some of the key ideas for the near future with our plans and where we are focusing efforts to provide what you , the residents of Millcreek , have identified as priorities that are important . The Millfair Compost Center has welcomed Jim Shaffer as the newly appointed Foreman . Jim will oversee daily operations and is excited to be part of the Millfair Team . We have updates from the Special Collection that was held at the Recycling Center in May , and the International Coastal Cleanup Event .
The Millcreek Government Channel has a few new features for you to catch up on . We met with representatives of EMTA , ExpERIEnce Children ’ s Museum and Asbury Woods . Flu shots will be available this Fall at the Township Building .
We are asking for photo submissions for the 2025 Township Calendar . Get yours in soon !
Our Zoning Department has some useful information for some of the most often asked questions we receive about areas of the Township that allow for Limited Lodging , and where you can raise chickens .
Our inaugural Senior Series Education Sessions launched on June 18th and was presented by officers from the Pennsylvania State Police and Millcreek Police . The subject dealt with how to avoid fraud . Our next session will take place on Wednesday October 9th and the topic will be Saving Solutions on a Budget .
Our Police Department recently accepted a vehicle donation from EMTA , and it will be used as a Mobile Command Center for Special Operations . PSATS has awarded Millcreek PD for a Public Service Announcement on School Bus Safety . Be sure to check out that article .
Millcreek Fire Department has information on the “ Community Connect ” Program , fire safety tips and how you can order address signs for your home . Have a safe and enjoyable Fall Season !
Jim Bock , Dan Ouellet , & Kim Clear
Statewide award : Millcreek Township ’ s efforts to keep residents updated and informed about the community have earned the municipality an award in the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors ’ ( PSATS ) 56th Annual Citizen Communication Contest . The contest recognizes townships that outstandingly communicate programs and activities to citizens .
Millcreek received first place in the Multimedia Communications category .
Millcreek thanks the PSATS , the Millcreek Township School District , Bus Patrol for additional footage and WQLN for production support .

Letter from the


Watch our award winning bus safety PSA on the MPD Bus Safety Page .