IN Millcreek Fall 2019 | Page 16

RECYCLING DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS BURIED BY LEAVES? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MILLCREEK’S CURBSIDE LEAF & BRUSH COLLECTION WEEKS ALL leaf waste must be placed in clear/transparent bags during the scheduled leaf collection weeks on your normal pickup day. Clear/transparent bags are available at the Millcreek Township Building (3608 West 26th Street) for purchase. Cash or check only ($5.00/25 clear bags). Clear bags may also be obtained from any retailer of your choice. Bags must be placed separate from trash and recycling and CANNOT contain GRASS and/or branches! Remember, bagged grass clippings must be placed in garbage bags for trash collection! Consider mulching your grass clippings onto your lawn instead of bagging for a more eco-friendly alternative! 2019 FALL BRUSH COLLECTION WEEK: September 9th – 13th (Brush must be tied and bundled into 4 ft. sections at the curbside!) 2019 FALL LEAF COLLECTION WEEKS: October 28th – November 1st November 11th – November 15th November 18th – November 22nd December 2nd – December 6th PLEASE CONTACT ADVANCED DISPOSAL AT 1-844-415-5970 TO REPORT A MISSED LEAF OR BRUSH COLLECTION. 2020 MILLCREEK PHOTOGRAPHY SHOWCASE Millcreek Township will be accepting submissions for its Annual Photography Showcase. Photos submitted should be taken within Millcreek Township’s boundaries. Please keep in mind that the activities listed below are just suggestions and photo submissions are not limited to the list provided. Photos MUST be taken HORIZONTALLY and not using a cell phone camera as the quality is often compromised when enlarged. Submissions should be geared toward the following ideas for the 2020 calendar: H H H H H PRESQUE ISLE ACTIVITIES WATERSPORTS LAKE & STREAM FISHING GOLFING ACTION SHOTS BICYCLING H WILDLIFE H ASBURY NATURE CENTER SEASONAL EVENTS H ICE FISHING, ICE SKATING, & WINTERSCAPES H H H H MILLCREEK SPORTING EVENTS TREC SEASONAL EVENTS MILLCREEK 4TH OF JULY PARADE ICONIC MILLCREEK SCENERY Photo submissions will be judged by the Recycling Coordinator and Committee. Millcreek Township reserves the right to NOT use photos and/or may continue to use in future years without further consent. Photographers will receive credit for photos within the calendar and other Township publications. All photos must be turned in on a CD or USB with photographer’s name and contact info to the Millcreek Recycling Department Office (3608 West 26th Street). Photos must be in .jpeg or .tiff format and 300dpi or larger (9”x12” page). CDs and USBs will not be returned. Please visit the Millcreek Township Municipal Building to review last year’s calendar. SUBMISSIONS DUE BY 08/30/19 AT 4:00 p.m. All photos including children and/or adults must sign a release waiver. Waivers may be obtained from the Recycling Department. Photographers MUST exhibit caution and make their safety a top priority when capturing the perfect shot! Millfair Special Collection Day Results • 380 lbs of auto batteries • 4,980 lbs of appliances • 272 lbs of propane tanks • 20,700 lbs of tires were recycled Other items that were recycled, but not weighed included construction and demolition waste, textiles, and paper shredding of sensitive documents by Pirrello Enterprises. 14 MILLCREEK