NIAGARA network
A NETWORK OF HELP FOR OUR VETERANS Founded in April of 2014 by Kim Lengling , an Air Force Veteran and Tina Schiefelbein , a local business owner and wife of an Air Force Veteran ; Embracing Our Veterans , a 501 ( c )( 3 ) Charitable Organization , is a referral program that provides the means to help veterans and their families receive services they may not otherwise qualify for through traditional means . Embracing Our Veterans has built a network of businesses and organizations covering Erie and Crawford Counties that are dedicated to helping our veterans and their families at little or no cost . Grass roots and God driven , Embracing Our Veterans Provides support , referral sources and honor to those who have given so much for our country .
HEALING THROUGH MUSIC It ’ s important for non-veterans to understand that time does not necessarily heal the wounds of service . In fact , many veterans say that when they were younger , they were busy with work and raising the family , but now that the kids are gone and they are retired , many of the memories of their service return !
These veterans need to know that they are not alone … not only are there many organizations to help them address the issues that they face , but there are also many other men and women who have served that understand these issues from their own experience .
The Music for Veterans program was formed to offer veterans a creative means of addressing the transition from military to civilian life . “ It ’ s a fact that playing a musical instrument improves healing and longterm happiness because it totally engages a person physically , mentally
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