IN Millcreek Fall 2016 | Page 13

To participate in our survey, please scan the QR code below. Photo by Matt Mead who are appointed to four year terms by the Township Supervisors. Commissioners are unpaid volunteers from varied professional backgrounds who donate their time to offer guidance to Township staff and the Board of Supervisors on various land use and zoning plans and policies. For Embrace Millcreek, the Planning Commission will be responsible for holding public meetings, developing public engagement strategies, directing township staff, and selecting and managing planning experts to help collect and analyze data for the actual ‘Plan’ that will be developed. However, ultimately everyone who comes out and takes part will be responsible for Embrace Millcreek. It will be up to every resident to make sure that the vision and goals established by the community are actually implemented by the Board of Supervisors and the township’s professional public servants. How can you have your voice heard? Over the course of the next year and a half, the Millcreek Planning Commission will hold township wide and neighborhood level public meetings, develop a strong social media presence, and utilize more traditional media (newspaper, the township TV channel, and of course IN Millcreek Magazine) to keep residents informed and engaged. Right now though, the best way to participate is to spend just a couple minutes to take the community survey at This is the first step in helping the Planning Commission know what YOU think Millcreek needs and what YOU feel is important for our community to focus on. The survey will ask you to rate how you feel the township is doing in core service areas like roadway maintenance and public safety, it will also ask you to weigh in on some of the bigger ideas the Commission has about how we might be able to move our community forward, and you’ll have an opportunity to tell us some of the big ideas you have for Millcreek. The survey will be up and running through August and September. We hope you’ll let us know what you think and also help spread the word to your friends, family, and neighbors so as many people as possible can have a voice. The Planning Commission will present the results of the survey to the public in October. We are excited to hear from all of you and look forward to working together to Embrace Millcreek. Feel free to contact us at Millcreek | Fall 2016 | 11 MI L LC RE E K TOW N SHI P Photo by Brian McGrath Millcreek Photo by Mark Dietz