Living the Message
Honoring those who show Respect , Dignity , Hope and Love
George Mushalko exemplifies what it means to be a neighbor . At 86 , he ’ s out and about on a daily basis looking for new ways to make his friends and neighbors smile .
A lifelong McKeesporter , George grew up in the city ’ s second and third wards , and has lived in the Hall Park neighborhood for 60 years . With an artistic eye and an exceptional green thumb , George has been helping his neighbors on Gordon and Barnsdale streets with their home gardens for years . In recent years , with the passing of a close friend , he has been working with extended family to maintain the property until the house can be sold .
George considers his talents to be a blessing , and he embraces every opportunity to share them with others . From tending to live flower gardens to creating silk arrangements as special gifts , he wants to bring joy to his friends and neighbors .
“ I think kindness and being neighborly is a goal everyone should have ,” he said . “ I hope other people will read this and start thinking more about their neighbors .”
George is a member of Holy Family Polish National Catholic Church , where he grew up helping his mother with charitable work and today says it ’ s “ second nature .”
George attributes his long life to keeping his mind and body active . He is an avid crossword puzzle worker , and he spends hours walking 5 to 7 miles every day , earning him the nickname “ George the Walker ” by many folks around town .
“ We have such a nice community ,” he said . “ We have a beautiful park . We have Penn State . We have nine churches just in this part of town . McKeesport is a cultural area with a library and theater . Our community is undersold , and this is the McKeesport people need to hear more about .”
Living the Message
The McKeesport Message Committee , a subgroup of McKeesport Mayor Michael Cherepko ’ s Select Committee on Crime and Violence , invites the public to nominate community members who exemplify the words , “ Respect , Dignity , Hope and Love .”
26 McKeesport Area
Not knowing much about Southwestern Pennsylvania ,
Melissa Staley moved her family to McKeesport nearly five
years ago . They needed to be closer to a first-class educational program offered in Pittsburgh for her youngest son , who is hearing impaired .
She happened upon McKeesport while in search for affordable , accessible housing , and she ’ s been active in the community ever since . Melissa heard the stories of McKeesport as a thriving mill town with a bustling downtown and picturesque neighborhoods , and she saw a community in disrepair . She wanted to do her part to bring back the image her neighbors described .
In the area of Ross and Dinsmore streets , Melissa and her family have been clearing trash from vacant lots , mowing lawns , and trimming trees for years . They tend to vacant properties as well as those of elderly neighbors .
“ It ’ s a lot of work , but when it ’ s done , it ’ s the best feeling in the world ,” she said . “ We ’ ve had people stop and ask us if we were buying a property , and they ’ re surprised when they find out we ’ re not . We get so many compliments , prayers , and blessings .”
Melissa said it ’ s nice when people notice her family ’ s work , but she ’ s not doing it for recognition . She is hopeful others will see what she ’ s done , and they ’ ll try to make a difference as well .
“ It only takes a few minutes to clean up the lot next to you ,” she said . “ Anyone can make a difference , and hopefully they will inspire another person to do their part .”
Melissa thanked her neighbors for doing their part and the city ’ s public works department for providing dumpsters for largescale clean-up efforts .
McKeesporters of all ages – from youth volunteers to senior citizens – display characteristics of Respect , Dignity , Hope and Love on a daily basis in our community . Whether through organizing community activities or offering a helping hand to those in need , everyday people are doing their part to make our city a better place . If we look within our schools , our neighborhoods , our churches and our service