Frank Cunimondo Jazz Workshop at
Penn Hills Library
Date: Apr. 23
Address: 1037 Stotler Road, Penn Hills
Contact: 412.795.3507, or
In celebration of Jazz Appreciation Month,
the library will present Frank Cunimondo,
jazz pianist and educator, who will discuss
jazz appreciation for all ages. Children
are welcome at this workshop. For more
information, call or visit the website.
Taste of Penn Hills
Date: Apr. 9
Time: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Address: Penn Hills Library Community Room,
1037 Stotler Road, Penn Hills
Contact: 412.795.3507, or
Enjoy good reads and good food! Penn Hills
Library Foundation’s Taste of Penn Hills
features a sampling of dishes from Penn Hills
area restaurants and kicks off the first of many
fun events celebrating National Library Week
at the Penn Hills Library. Visit the website for
more details.
Boyce Park Nature Center Spring
Address: 675 Old Frankstown Road, Plum
Want to spend more time outdoors this
spring learning new things about nature?
Take advantage of these fun hands-on, naturethemed programs and activities run by an
expert naturalist at Boyce Park Nature Center.
Some of last year’s events included spring
natural history tours/walks, horticultural/art
therapy, children’s gardening and much more.
Visit the website for a complete schedule and
for more information.
Plum Community Festival
Dates: June 25-26
Address: Larry Mills Park, Fontana Drive, Plum
Contact: 412.795.6800, or
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Plum
Community Festival! Plum Borough Rotary,
in conjunction with the Borough of Plum,
hosts the festival which includes two days
of fun, food and entertainment! Visit the
website for more information.
Taste of Two Towns
Date: May 15 (rain or shine)
Time: 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Address: Oakmont Carnegie Library, 700
Allegheny River Boulevard, Oakmont
Contact: 412.828.9532, or
Take part in a fabulous food-tasting
fundraiser! Support Oakmont Carnegie
Library by enjoying an evening of specialty
foods prepared by Oakmont and Verona
chefs, entertainment, libations and more. Visit
the website for information on purchasing
tickets and other details.
Ecogeeks at C.C. Mellor Memorial
Dates: Apr. 16 and May 7
Time: 11 a.m.
Address: Children’s Programming Room at
CCMML, 1 Pennwood Avenue, Edgewood
Contact: 412.731.0909, or
Love animals, nature and the natural world?
Explore a new topic each month in this
hands-on nature exploration. Register on the
library’s website.
Regent Square Annual Yard Sale
Date: May 21
Address: Regent Square Neighborhood
On the third Saturday of each May,
Regent Square Civic Association
hosts the beloved Regent Square
Annual Yard Sale. Typically
more than 100 houses participate
and sell their
wares in front yards
and garages, while residents
and visitors stroll and browse for bargains.
Visitors come from all over Pittsburgh for
this annual event. Visit the website for more
Wilkins School Community Center
Annual Herb, Plant and Used Book Sale
Dates: May 21-22
Address: 7604 Charleston Avenue, Swissvale
Contact: 412.244.8458, or
Go “green” this spring by purchasing organic
herbs and vegetable plants, annual flower
baskets and flats for your garden, or a used
book to read. Visit the website for more
Woodland Hills Junior/Senior High
School Musical Performance of
“Peter Pan”
Dates: Apr. 28-30 and May 5-7 (Tentative;
check website)
Address: WHJSHS Auditorium, 2550
Greensburg Pike, Churchill
Contact:, or
Continued >
Plum High School Jazz Concert
Date: May 3 (Tentative; check website)
Address: Plum High School Auditorium, 900
Elicker Road, Plum Borough
McKeesport Area | Spring 2016 | 25