IN McKeesport Fall 2019 | Page 5

CONTENT fall 2019 8 Thunderbirds Soar Pittsburgh Thunderbirds aim for “Ultimate” success. 11 Fall Festival Fever! As autumn approaches, let the fall fun begin! Pumpkins, corn mazes, hayrides, applefests and more await. 18 Special Section: Education Whether it’s choosing a college major, deciding on a trade school, saving for college or managing post-college debt, here are some ways to help you navigate a path through higher education. departments 2 From the Publisher 4 IN the Loop: What’s News in McKeesport 5 IN Good Taste: David Montanez, Chef and Owner, Madero Cantina 10 IN Events: International Village 23 City of McKeesport News 32 McKeesport Area School District News 40 IN Focus: McKeesport at a Glance 10 IN Community is a publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the McKeesport area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 8 on the cover Members of the ABC Dance Studio by Joann perform Hawaiian dances on the International Village stage on August 14. See story on page 10. Photo by Primetime Shots. See Excela Health on pages 16-17 MCKEESPORT AREA ❘ FALL 2019 3