IN McKeesport Fall 2016 | Page 31

The Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation honored Andy Sandusky, a retired McKeesport police officer, with the 2016 Albert Lexie Award for years of contributions to its Free Care Fund. Sandusky has collected more than $200,000 to the hospital since 1973. In recent years, he has raised funds through local collections, motorcycle runs and a golf outing. He has been making annual donations to the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Free Care Fund since 1973. That year, it was an on-the-job encounter with a McKeesport youth that brought him to Children’s Hospital in 1973; an Irwin Street boy had injured himself by running through a glass door. Sandusky rushed the boy to McKeesport Hospital, where his bleeding was stopped. Then, he transported the boy to Children’s. Sandusky said he can’t forget the feeling of walking into the intensive care unit and thinking there was more he could do to help innocent children in desperate need of health care. “I started with little donation cans,” Sandusky said, recalling an annual trek to the KDKA telethon for the Free Care Fund. “You used to walk up, give your name and dump in what you collected. There was never an amount because you just threw it in.” By the mid-1980s, Sandusky’s collections became too large to lump into telethon proceeds, and he began to give the hospital several thousand dollars per year through his own drive. In 2015, proceeds generated by a successful boot collection among regional fire departments, a summer motorcycle run and an early autumn golf outing led to Sandusky’s record-breaking donation of $30,000. He was the foundation’s only non-corporate top donor last year. HIV Testing Day On June 4, members of the Partnership for Minority HIV/ AIDS Prevention offered wisdom, prayer and free, confidential testing for community members who want to be involved in stopping the spread of HIV. Dr. Rudolph A. Antoncic Jr., a practicing physician in the McKeesport Area for 30 years, spoke about his commitment to his patients and the Mon-Yough region. He shared statistics and spoke about medical concerns that relate to HIV/AIDS – also dispelling myths associated with the virus and various treatments. McKeesport Past and Present Reunion The McKeesport Past and Present committee continued its traditional summer celebration with a full weekend schedule on July 8-10. The gathering brought McKeesporters from across the country together with old friends for a banquet, a family fun day and church service. During the banquet, the committee recognized members of the Stinson family as guests of honor. McKeesport Area | Fall 2016 | 29 C I T Y OF MC KE E SP OR T N E WS The Kiwanis Club of McKeesport/White Oak and the McKeesport Trail Commission hosted the city’s inaugural Going for the Goal sprint triathlon on June 26. As individual competitors and in teams, more than 60 participants toured the city during an athletic competition of swimming, cycling and running. With tremendous support from state Senator James R. Brewster, McKeesport Mayor Michael Cherepko, McKeesport Area School District and the McKeesport Hospital Foundation, the triathlon was a great success. “How many of you had never been to McKeesport before today?” the senator asked, with several folks from Aliquippa and further destinations raising their hands. He was met with a strong round of applause when he asked them if they liked what they saw. Organizers said Going for the Goal is a great opportunity to show off some of McKeesport’s greatest assets – its schools, its portion of the Great Allegheny Passage and Renziehausen Park. Next year’s event tentatively is planned for June 25. A. Sandusky Free Care Friends McKeespor t Go for the Goal Sprint Triathlon