IN Mars Area Summer 2022 | Page 28


3 Quick Tips

In Multiple-Offer Situations

It ’ s always smart to have a strategy when submitting an offer ; however , in our current real estate climate some folks feel that waiving the home inspection makes their offer more appealing to sellers . This is not the case if the sellers are familiar with the real estate process . Buyers should definitely come to the table with their highest and best , but an inspection waiver is not in anyone ’ s best interest . You might think that my opinion is based on the fact that I want to drum up business for my company . Although I would be honored to be entrusted with your inspection should you need one , I ’ m happy to say that we are blessed with a consistently full schedule . With that said , let ’ s explore some other options , and benefits associated with them .

First of all , inspections were designed to help lessen

1 . post-closing litigation . If a buyer discovers an issue after closing , and there ’ s no formal documentation of conditions of the home prior to closing ( home inspection report ), this could end up in litigation for lack of seller ’ s disclosure . To help nip this in the bud , some sellers are opting for pre-inspections before listing the property for sale . They then decide to repair or replace items , or sell as-is with full disclosure to potential buyers .

A second option is for buyers to include a home

2 . inspection in their offer for informational purposes only ; this would mean that the offer is not contingent upon satisfactory results . There are other decisions that go hand-inhand with this option , all of which should be discussed with your real estate agent . One example is hand money ; buyers must decide how much helps the offer look strong , yet is reasonably comfortable to lose should they walk away after the inspection . Remember , the agreement is not conditional upon the inspection report ; therefore , hand money might not be returned to the buyer .

Another option would be to include the inspection

3 . contingency , but with a high enough ceiling that the seller feels confident they won ’ t be nickel-dimed . A high dollar amount would show that the buyer is willing to assume anything up to that ceiling ; anything over that amount would be negotiable , but hand money is refunded should the buyer

walk away within the agreement parameters because conditions were not met . Agents can promote this confidently with a solid amount of hand money . It shows that the buyer is serious but not leaving themselves or the sellers open for extra liabilities .
Feel free to reach out to us for many more tips , or if you have specific questions : KeyToPeaceOfMind . com or 412.657.2191 .
Our mission : To provide a fair , honest evaluation of each home we inspect ; to provide a thorough , easyto-understand report of our findings to enable our clients and their agents to make educated decisions throughout their transaction . For over thirty-five years , we ’ ve been creating a community where those who enter feel secure knowing they are guided with true integrity and harmony .
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