IN Mars Area Fall 2017 | Page 31

• Youth Development Activities – Students are given the opportunity to engage in hobbies outside of the classroom for the chance to find out what makes them excited to learn .
TEACHING THE FUTURE Teachers are tasked every day with correcting spelling tests , entering grades , writing lesson plans , and now with integrating technology along the way . They would be doing their students a disservice if they choose to ignore the fact that technology has become woven into our daily lives , but they are taking cautious steps to ensure that they are using and teaching technology in a beneficial way . Doing so provides students with a fundamental approach to utilizing technology to increase productivity , access resources and to lay the groundwork for use in their future careers . Teachers continue to learn and grow through continuing education courses that allow them to integrate new methods for incorporating technology in the classroom to ultimately guide our students to a successful future .
Providing students with access to technology in a structured setting provides them with the freedom to individually learn and discover solutions to real-world problems and prepare them for the future . Students have a paved path to achieve success with the help of cooperative , communal workspaces , online portals that encourage crosscollaboration , and support from their teachers , peers and parents .


Personalized learning adapts a structured educational environment into a malleable approach to learning and teaching . Each learning style is different , and there is not one approach to teaching that fits them all . Personalized learning provides students with attainable success in the classroom by allowing teachers to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student and adapt lesson plans to allow students to work at their own pace .
Building Student Profiles : Personalized learning pulls from the strengths and weaknesses of individual students and tailors lessons to improve learning outcomes . Teachers are able to utilize these pathways to learning to guide their students to success . Digital Approach to Personalized Learning : Utilizing data from digital coursework provides an even stronger approach to personalized learning through analytics . These analytics monitor a student ’ s performance and can predict future patterns for learning , giving teachers the tools necessary to prepare an appropriate curriculum for their students .
Teacher Adaptation : Teachers develop a new approach to instructing their students when adopting personalized learning . In a typical classroom , there are students who are ahead of the curve and students behind the curve , with very few considered to be on the curve . A teacher typically aims to teach on the curve , with students on either end falling short of their learning capabilities . Personalized learning gives faculty the ability to spend more time tailoring their approach on an individual level . Use Case : A high school in San Diego is currently implementing the personalized learning approach in classrooms after receiving a $ 10 million grant aimed at making high schools more personal . The effort launched two years ago with a small group of students . After seeing firsthand the academic success of these students , the school decided to take the approach school-wide by introducing one grade level every year , starting with the freshmen of 2017 .
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