IN Keystone Oaks Winter 2019 | Page 9

3D mammogram helps battle breast cancer At Canonsburg Hospital, a sophisticated 3D mammography unit helps doctors detect breast cancer earlier and pinpoint abnormalities. The X-ray moves in an arc over the breast, taking multiple images for increased clarity. 3D mammography has been shown to reduce the number of follow-up visits for additional imaging by 30 percent.* It also off ers less radiation exposure for patients. Our women’s health specialists have signifi cant expertise in breast disease, surgery, and oncology. They use a patient- centered approach that focuses on a woman’s personal needs when developing a treatment plan. Having technology like 3D mammography close to home at Canonsburg Hospital makes it easier for busy women to keep up with preventive health exams. Call (412) DOCTORS for an appointment. * American Journal of Roentgenology. 2009;193: 586-591. 10.2214/AJR.08.2031 Dr. Gannon takes a team approach to cancer care Two things make AHN’s cancer care stand out, according to surgeon Mark Gannon, MD. “First, our navigators. They provide information and answer questions, which is great for the patient.” Second, a multidisciplinary team reviews each patient’s case. “We cover all aspects, take a second look at images and reports, and agree on how to proceed. That might be chemo before surgery, or even participation in a clinical trial,” he said. Dr. Gannon said 3D is the new standard for breast imaging. “I would suggest a yearly mammogram and breast exam for average-risk patients, so any cancer is found before it has a chance to grow. It can make treatment simpler and produce a better outcome.” Dr. Gannon sees patients at Canonsburg Hospital and Jeff erson Hospital, and in offi ces in Peters Township and Bethel Park. MARK GANNON, MD, BREAST SURGEON FOR APPOINTMENTS OR MORE INFO, CALL (412) DOCTORS OR VISIT AHN.ORG/CANONSBURG.