IN Keystone Oaks Winter 2017 | Page 32

Kindergarten Art Integration Program Takes Shape in Elementary Schools Fixer Upper: Keystone Oaks School District This year, led by Dr. Shannon Varley, the District funded $15,000 worth of classroom redesign projects. Teachers gathered feedback from students and submitted proposals for paint, furniture, and other items to make their classrooms more functional. A committee reviewed each application and six classrooms were redesigned this school year. High School Math Teacher Josh Kirchner was the first teacher to unveil his redesigned classroom. In addition to freshly painted, bright walls and new decor, Mr. Kirchner's room now also has tables where students can Art has been shown to help improve academic skills, decrease stress levels and increase student motivation and this year, Keystone Oaks has launched a new program that will integrate art into the kindergarten curriculum to help students in these areas. Led by elementary art teacher Rebecca Hersan, the program will be offered in addition to the students’ regular art class, giving them additional opportunities to build their problem-solving, critical thinking, and social skills. The program ties in literature, too, as students are read a book prior to beginning the art project. 30 Keystone Oaks