Building a Foundation of Excellence
Keystone Oaks 2017-2018 Calendar Updated
Keystone Oaks’ 2017-2018 school year calendar has been updated to include early dismissals on the following days:
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Friday, December 22, 2017
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Friday, May 25, 2018
Students will be dismissed at the following times:
Middle School / High School - 10:45 a.m.
Dormont Elementary School - 11:15 a.m.
Aiken Elementary School - 11:25 a.m.
Myrtle Elementary School - 11:40 a.m.
For up-to-date calendar information, please visit the
District’s website, Parents/guardians
also have the option to synchronize the District calendar
with their Outlook or Google calendars. Instructions are
available at the following website -
Keystone Oaks was selected to participate in a three year grant program
with the National Math and Science Initiative that will begin with the 2017-
2018 school year. The program is being coordinated by high school math
teacher Kevin Gallagher.
NMSI’s initiative is to significantly improve student opportunities and
advance STEM teaching and learning by increasing the number of students
taking and earning qualifying scores on AP math, science, computer science,
and English exams. NMSI provides support and training for students and
teachers beginning in elementary school, with a minimal yearly financial
contribution from the district.
On average, schools participating in NMSI see first year qualifying AP
scores increase by 67%. Students who take an AP course are more attractive
candidates for college admissions, and students who take AP courses “are
more prepared to handle the rigor of college coursework and are more likely
to persist,” according to NMSI.
NMSI offers summer institutes for AP teachers, with follow-up through fall
and spring workshops and mentors. NMSI also provides $34,000 over the
three years to purchase supplies and equipment for AP coursework. Teachers
in grades 3-11 will also participate in a summer program called Laying the
Foundation, to explore college and career standards.
NMSI supports students by reimbursing 50% of AP exam costs, awarding
them $100 for every score on an exam above a 3, and offering Saturday study
sessions throughout the school year.
Participation in Math & Science
Initiative Strives to Increase
Participation in Advanced Places
Classes, Scores on AP Exams
28 Keystone Oaks