with nearly two million dazzling lights . Enjoy songs of the holidays by local choirs and the spectacular light show on the lagoon choreographed to favorite holiday melodies . Visit Santa , ride the Gingerbread Express and more ! Visit the website for more information .
LIGHT UP GREEN TREE Date : Dec . 2 Time : 5 to 7 p . m . Address : Green Tree Municipal Center , 10 West Manilla Avenue , Green Tree Contact : greentreeboro . com , or 412.921.1110
Celebrate at Green Tree ’ s kick-off event to the holidays ! Enjoy caroling , treats , ice carving , entertainment , and , of course , a special visit from Santa and Mrs . Claus . Check the website for more details .
PETERS TOWNSHIP TREE LIGHTING Date : Dec . 3 Time : 6 p . m . Address : Peters Township Municipal Complex / Library , 616 East McMurray Road , McMurray Contact : peterstownship . com , or 724.942.5000
Bring your family and enjoy the tree lighting ceremony and holiday party ! Listen to holiday caroling , welcome Santa as he arrives on a shiny fire truck and enjoy a craft and refreshments . All ages welcome . Visit the website for more details .
SCOTT TOWNSHIP TREE LIGHTING Date : Dec . 7 Time : 6:30 p . m . Address : Scott Park Amphitheatre , 301 Lindsay Road , Scott Township Contact : scott-twp . com / events , or 412.276.5300
Enjoy Santa , carols , hot chocolate and more ! Visit the website for more information .
AMERICAN GIRL HOLIDAY CRAFTS AT BETHEL PARK LIBRARY Date : Dec . 3 ( Pre-registration is required .) Time : 2 p . m . Address : 5100 West Library Avenue , Bethel Park Contact : bethelparklibrary . org , or 412.835.2207
These easy and fun DIY crafts for you and your doll are sure to get you in the holiday spirit . Be sure to bring your doll along for a fun photo op ! Visit the website for information on pre-registration and other details .
BRENTWOOD LIBRARY ’ S 5TH ANNUAL COOKIE EXCHANGE Date : Dec . 19 ( Pre-registration is required .) Time : 6:30 to 8:30 p . m . Address : 3501 Brownsville Road , Brentwood Contact : brentwoodpubliclibrary . org , or 412.882.5694
This is a great way to make an impressive cookie platter for all of your holiday entertaining ! Arrive with six dozen of the same kind of cookies , then we ’ ll begin building our trays with a variety of goodies . Oh , and we ’ ll sample a few , too ! Please register for this festive event . Visit the website for more information .
COMMUNITY LIBRARY OF CASTLE SHANNON HOLIDAY PARTY Date : Dec . 19 Address : 3677 Myrtle Avenue , Castle Shannon Contact : castleshannonlibrary . org , or 412.563.4552
Join in a night of holiday stories , games , crafts and more . The whole family is welcome ! Visit the website for more information .
FRIENDS OF BRIDGEVILLE LIBRARY 14TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF TREES Dates : TBA , December ( Visit the website for the exact dates and times .) Address : 505 McMillan Street , Bridgeville Contact : friendsofbpl . org
A Bridgeville tradition with a new twist ! Get inspired this holiday season by visiting the library for the Festival of Trees ! On display for part of December , this event includes a kick-off evening of festive fun for the whole family . Enjoy beautifully themed Christmas trees , a silent auction , live music , and even a visit from Santa . Visit the website for more information on getting involved and other details .
HOLIDAYS AT THE C & RC Date : Dec . 2 Time : 11 a . m . to 2 p . m . Address : Upper St . Clair Community and Recreation Center , 1551 Mayview Road , Upper St . Clair Contact : twpusc . org / crc / special _ events , or 412.221.1099
Celebrate the holiday season with musical performances , craft making , sweet treats and a special visit from Santa at noon . Be sure to bring along your camera ! Free for all participants . Visit the website for more information .
SANTA TROLLEY AND TOY TRAINS Dates : Santa Trolley – Dec . 2 & 3 , Dec . 9 & 10 , Dec . 16 & 17 ; Trolleys and Toy Trains – Dec . 1 , 8 , 15 Address : The Pennsylvania Trolley Museum , 1 Museum Road , Washington Contact : pa-trolley . org , or 724.228.9256
Santa Trolley – Celebrate the season on a trolley with Santa , and sing along with the Christmas caroling , make a craft in the Events Room and interact with the Lionel Trains in the Visitor Center . Trolleys and Toy Trains – Enjoy the huge Lionel toy train layout and all-day trolley rides .
SPAGHETTI WITH SANTA Date : Dec . 3 ( Reservation is required .) Address : Bella Sera , 414 Morganza Road , Canonsburg Contact : bellaserapgh . com / events , or 724.745.5575
Grab the entire family and join in the 2nd Annual Spaghetti with Santa ! Enjoy a familystyle spaghetti dinner and a complimentary digital photo with Santa ! There are two seating times , 11 a . m . and 2 p . m . Reservations are required . Photos will be taken from 11:30 a . m . to 1:30 p . m . and 2:30 to 4:30 p . m . Check the website for menu and ticket information .
STORYTIME WITH THE GRINCH Date : Dec . 14 Time : 5:30 p . m . Address : South Fayette Public Library , 515 Millers Run Road , Morgan Contact : southfayettelibrary . org , or 412.257.8660
Spend the evening at the library ! There will be crafts and activities and a viewing of the original “ How the Grinch Stole Christmas ” beginning at 5:30 p . m . Afterward there will be an appearance by South Fayette ’ s own Grinch , who will read the story to all ! Visit the website for more information .
TRAX FARMS BREAKFAST , OR LUNCH , WITH SANTA Dates : Saturdays / Sundays in December ( Reservation is required . Check the website for the schedule .) Address : 528 Trax Road , Finleyville Contact : traxfarms . com , or 412.835.3246 Make a reservation for some holiday memories ! Your child will enjoy a meal , hands-on craft and visit with Santa Claus . Don ’ t forget your camera ! Check the website for reservation information and other details .
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