Cottage .” Visit the website for information on purchasing tickets and more details .
‘ Rocky Horror Brass ’ presented by River City Brass Band Date : Oct . 9 Time : 7:30 p . m . Address : Upper St . Clair High School , 1825 McLaughlin Run Road , Upper St . Clair Contact : rivercitybrass . org
For the spookiest month of the year , enjoy haunting classics from Hollywood , Broadway and beyond ! The eerie hits will include selections from “ The Rocky Horror Picture Show ,” “ The Nightmare Before Christmas ,” “ Sweeney Todd ,” “ The Birds ” and “ The Phantom of the Opera .” Visit the website for information on purchasing tickets and more details .
‘ Scary Music ’ presented by the Washington Symphony Orchestra Date : Oct . 13 Address : Trinity High School , 231 Park Avenue , Washington Contact : washsym . org , or 724.223.9796
The WSO will get you ready for Halloween with some hauntingly fun classics and pops . Costumes are optional ! Visit the website for information on purchasing tickets and more details .
‘ Sherlock Holmes and the West End Horror ’ presented by Little Lake Theatre Dates : Check the website for the October dates . Address : 500 Lakeside Drive South , Canonsburg Contact : littlelake . org , or 724.745.6300
A despicable theater critic has been murdered , and Holmes and Watson are soon visited by George Bernard Shaw , an aspiring Irish playwright who entices Holmes to take the case . As they cross swords with the most famous literary luminaries of the day — Oscar Wilde , Gilbert & Sullivan , Henry Irving , Bram Stoker , and a young H . G . Wells — Holmes and Watson come face to face with their own celebrity as they pursue the killer in this rollickingly funny whodunit . Recommended age : 10 +. Visit the website for information on purchasing tickets and more details .
Bethel Park Fall Clean-Up Day Date : Oct . 20 Address : Bethel Park Area Contact : bethelpark . net , or 412.831.6800
Keep Bethel Park beautiful ! Call to register your group for a cleanup area and receive supplies . Visit the website for more information .
Blue Heron Nature Skills hosted by Bridgeville Public Library Date : Oct . 21 Time : 4 p . m . Address : Chartiers Park , 1121 Chartiers Street , Bridgeville Contact : bridgevillelibrary . org , or 412.221.3737 ( Registration is appreciated .)
Enjoy an autumn plant identification walk at Chartiers Park presented by Blue Heron Nature Skills and Bridgeville Public Library ! Visit the website for more information .
Bonfire Stories at Woodville Plantation Date : Oct . 26 Time : 7 p . m . Address : 1375 Washington Pike , Bridgeville Contact : woodvilleplantation . org , or 412.221.0348
Enjoy a family-friendly evening of stories around the bonfire at Woodville Plantation ! All ages are welcome ! Woodville , the John and Presley Neville House , is southwestern PA ’ s principal link to the late 18th century , interpreting the time period of 1780 to 1820 . Visit the website for more details .
Peters Township Chamber Chase 5K Run / Walk Date : Oct . 13 Time : Race at 9 a . m .; registration 7:15 to 8:45 a . m . Address : Peterswood Park on Arrowhead Trail , 750 Bebout Road , Venetia Contact : peterstownshipchamber . com
A family-friendly , USATF-sanctioned 5K at Peterswood Park on Arrowhead Trail ! This race benefits the Peters Township
Chamber of Commerce Community & Scholarship Fund . Visit the website for more information .
Public Star Party Date : Oct . 20 Address : Mingo Creek Observatory , Mingo Creek Park , 1 Shelter 10 Road , Finleyville Contact : 3ap . org , or 724.348.6150 Take a whole bunch of friendly , intelligent , telescope-toting amateur astronomers ( anxious to share their hobby ), put them in a large open meadow at the top of a gentle hill with excellent views to all horizons , add two large permanent telescopes , and invite the public – that is a Public Star Party ! Donations appreciated ! Visit the website for more details .
Washington Cruisers Cruise-In 2018 Date : Oct . 6 Address : McDonald ’ s – Racetrack Road , Exit 41 , I-79 , Meadowlands Contact : 724.263.3335
Featuring a drawing for costumed adults and trunk-or-treat for kids ( please bring some treats for the kids if you wish to participate ). Present adults in costume will be eligible for a special drawing sponsored by Wabellco Federal Credit Union . Car cruise is open to all makes , models and years of cars , trucks and motorcycles . Dash Plaques , DJ , 50 / 50 and food . Call for more information .
Brentwood Presbyterian Church Fall Craft Vendor Show Date : Nov . 3 Time : 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . Address : 3735 Brownsville Road , Brentwood Contact : brentwoodpc . org
The Brentwood Presbyterian Church Craft Vendor Show will have various arts , crafts and direct sales vendors . There will also be concessions , homemade crafts , quilts , sewing , stained glass , wreaths and more . Visit the website for more information .
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