Educators are incorporating new approaches to learning through
STEM education, learner-center spaces, and incorporation of digital
tools where necessary; all while teachers are keeping up with the
technology Joneses.
hen you look around, you will
see the soft glow of light beaming
onto the faces of our peers as they
immerse themselves in their smartphones,
tablets and computers, getting their news,
updates from family and friends, and
staying connected. We see technology
seeping into every aspect of our lives;
our cars are equipped with technology to
connect to our smart devices through Wi-
Fi and “smart” homes allow our phones to
control anything from thermostats to light
switches. Technology is an integral part of
almost all aspects of our lives, but as we look
toward one of the most ancient traditions,
it has seemingly stayed, for the most part,
traditional. As institutions start to examine
advancements in technology in the classroom
and new approaches to learning, we are seeing
variations to classroom settings, an uptick in
digital learning, and teachers keeping up with
the ever-changing educational landscape.
According to National Geographic, it
was 1635 when the first public high school
in the United States opened in Boston—a
room with desks and chairs in neat rows
and the teacher’s desk adorning the front
of the classroom. Since then, we’ve seen
blackboards transform to whiteboards,
and now to interactive displays. Paper and
pencils have been erased by computers.
Yet we haven’t seen technology completely
overhaul the classroom. Teachers haven’t
(yet) been replaced by robots, and students
are still lugging home heavy textbooks. We
can thank educators for this as they take
cautious steps to integrate technology into the
classroom to ensure that students maintain
the collaborative spirit of traditional learning.
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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, or STEM, is
a curriculum based on educating students in subjects that have been
underserved by graduating seniors entering the workforce in the past. Each
of these fields encompasses a vast number of disciplines under them, touching
almost all aspects of our lives. An increasing number of jobs are available each
year in these fields and there are schools opening across the country that are solely
based on STEM learning. There continues to be an increase in the number of students
applying for admission, so much so that public schools are now incorporating these types
of courses into their curriculum to keep up with student interests. Teachers are teaching
their students with an interdisciplinary approach based on real-world applications,
allowing them the opportunity to conduct research, connect with executives, and
collaborate with their peers.
A report done by InTech explains that “a successful STEM education provides students
with science, math and engineering/technology in sequences that build upon each other
and can be used with real-world applications.” The National Science Foundation estimates
that 80 percent of the jobs available during the next decade will require math and science
skills. By introducing new practices that are being used across different industries,
students are getting a firsthand look into what their future could hold. STEM is still very
new to educators, students and parents alike, but the impact these four fields will have on
our future proves to be important to all.
Another tactic educators are implementing to increase collaboration and engagement
is through the implementation of communal spaces. As teachers, students and parents
seek out upgrades to the traditional approach of learning, inspiration comes fr