In-House Counsel Guidebook: How to Handle Internet Defamation and Online Reputation Attacks August 2014 | Page 13

11 rules for issuing subpoenas, and many cases require issuing foreign subpoenas in a jurisdiction outside of the forum state. Thus, it is important in these situations to know the relevant rules in every state in which you plan to issue a subpoena. Moreover, when an attorney issues a subpoena to an ISP when they lack legal grounds for obtaining the anonymous person’s identity, he or she may be on the hook for the defendant’s legal fees for filing a motion to quash. C. One of the best tools we have found for determining the identity of anonymous persons online is a forensic exam of suspected attackers’ computers. In most cases, the victim of an online attack will have a good idea of who is behind the attack. Often, the posts will come shortly after a dispute with an employee, business associate or competitor. There are often circumstantial facts and even evidence that point to a person behind the posting, though no hard proof. In these situations, a forensic exam can be invaluable. When conducting forensic exams, we have found that the persons behind the attacks will often attempt to “wipe” their electronic devices. However, a forensic exam will obtain fragments that will show the individuals behind the online activity. We have also found it to be common for a poster to immediately use wiping software after they receive notice of our forensic exam. Based on our experience, performing a forensic exam is a very strong tool to prove who posted online attack information when there is circumstantial evidence pointing to someone. D. Another option when you have a legitimate suspect but cannot prove who is behind the posting is to ask them to