Prioritize What’s Important to You
Think of everything you squeeze into every week. If you are caring for
a parent or other loved one, your time is even more limited. Are you
taking any time for yourself to decompress? Are you spending
meaningful time with your family? Are you working on strengthening
the relationships that are important to you?
It’s Okay to Say “No”
Do you get caught in a cycle of saying “yes”? Your child wants to add a
new sport, your friend wants to meet for dinner, you’re offered optional
overtime at work, a neighbor asks for a favor… When you say “yes,”
you have the right intentions. But what are you sacrificing in your own
life and at home, and is it worth it?
Counseling Can Help
Counseling can be a safe haven and a place of reprieve from the “go,
go, go” of everyday life. If you are trying to figure things out, it can be
helpful to build one hour into your week when you can pause and
reflect on where you’ve been, where you are now and where you want
to be.
We’re here to help! At Anchorpoint Counseling Ministry, our licensed
and experienced counselors are parents, caregivers, and community
members like you. We have decades of experience helping people
navigate the challenges of life and cope with stress, anxiety, depression,
grief, past trauma, anger, relationship problems and many other issues.
In addition to serving Adults, Couples and Families, Anchorpoint is
growing to support:
Children, Teens and Parents – The Child and Parent Place at
Anchorpoint (C.A.P.P.) specializes in serving children and teens
(ages 5+) with anxiety and depression and helps parents implement
effective strategies at home.
Older Adults – Anchorpoint offers Medicare-approved counseling
services as well as a Grief Support Group for Spousal Loss.
Jennifer Regester, LCSW, is Clinical Director at
Anchorpoint where she provides individual, marital
and family counseling and oversees a team of
licensed and experienced therapists. Her experience
includes outpatient mental health, medical ICU
trauma, substance abuse, dual diagnosis and case