IN Greensburg Salem Winter 2022 | Page 29

Health & Wellness SPECIAL SECTION
• Quitting bad habits . Now is a better time than ever to kick the bad habits you may have picked up in high school and college . The benefits of canceling your package at the tanning salon and quitting smoking would take up this entire article , so for skin ’ s sake , give them up !
Treatment Years
Now is the time to treat the years of damage that the sun and other elements have caused to your skin .
• Put the right nutrients into your body . It ’ s important to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs on the inside for radiant skin on the outside . This includes lots of water !
• Take cover when heading outside . SPF shouldn ’ t be skipped at this age either and should be applied daily . Try adding a hat and cover your skin to prevent over-exposure to the harmful rays of the sun , even in the cooler months .
• Find a good retinoid . Derived from vitamin A , retinoids boost collagen production in the skin to stimulate blood vessels and unclog pores .

Seeing into the Future

Twenty-first century children are looking beyond genetics as a cause for needing corrective eyewear , according to the American Optometric Association ( AOA ). In the Digital Age , children are exposed to electronic devices their whole lives as an integral part of social and educational practices .
Teachers are continuing to increase the amount of digital technology used in the classroom , and it is expected that computer simulations will account for much of the learning style in the future . Both teachers and parents are finding that children are adapting well to the use of technology in the classroom , making learning more interactive and current than most textbook learning .
The AOA ’ s 2015 American Eye-Q ® survey stated that 41 percent of parents said their kids spend three or more hours per day using digital devices , and 66 percent of kids had their own smartphone or tablet . As technology has become even more of an essential part of modern life , it is important for parents to facilitate balance in their children ’ s digital usage .
Electronic devices , including televisions , give off blue and violet light that may affect vision by causing eyestrain and discomfort . If your children have to do their homework using a computer or tablet , then be sure to keep the television and phones off during dinnertime and instead enjoy conversation together .
Optometrists also have researched the importance of natural sunlight exposure to the eyes and say that a lack of exposure to natural light could affect the growth and development of vision .
Symptoms of Digital Eyestrain
• Burning
• Itchy or tired
• Increased headaches
• Fatigue
• Blurry vision
• Head and neck pain
The best way to properly monitor eye and vision health is to make sure your child gets a comprehensive eye exam every year .

Keep Your Teeth & Gums Healthy

A big smile can say a lot about your overall health , so if you ’ ve been skipping out on the dentist , you may want to schedule your visit . A semiannual or annual dental visit protects against poor oral health that can lead to greater problems down the road . Good oral hygiene , including brushing at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing , can protect against the damaging effects of gum disease . Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that is due to plaque and tartar buildup on teeth , leaving gums red , swollen , and irritated . When left untreated , gingivitis can advance to periodontitis . A more serious and painful disease , periodontitis causes gums to pull away from teeth , allowing bacteria to build in the pockets between . Due to the infection and inflammation , your body ’ s natural reaction is to fight the bacteria , which can lead to a breakdown of the bones and tissue around your teeth . Studies also suggest that poor oral health is related to systemic diseases including diabetes , oral cancer , stroke , and heart disease . Routine visits to your dentist can identify oral problems before they become painful and more serious . So how can you protect your pearly whites against long-term health concerns ?
• Schedule routine checkups with your dental professional .
• Brush your teeth twice a day .
• Floss daily ( you may not see immediate benefits , but you ’ ll be saving your gum health in the long run ).
• Eat a balanced diet to get the proper nutrients your teeth and gums need to stay strong .
• Drink lots of water !
• Quit smoking — it is one of the most significant risk factors in developing gum disease .
• Replace your toothbrush every three months .
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