IN Greensburg Salem Winter 2022 | Page 2

A new beginning after double bypass surgery .

“ Candy , what are the signs of a heart attack ?”
For Marjorie Aiken , July 3 , 2022 , was like any other day until it wasn ’ t . Her shift as a bartender , a job she ’ s held at the same bar since 1985 , was suddenly marked by chest pain and shortness of breath . Her boss , Candy , whom Marjorie has known for over 35 years , quickly looked up the symptoms on her phone .
Just then , Candy ’ s sister , Marcy , happened to walk into the bar and was able to whisk Marjorie to AHN Forbes Hospital . “ It was meant to be ,” Marjorie reflected . The flurry of events that led to her arrival at the Forbes Hospital emergency department quickly became a blur .
Tests quickly confirmed that Marjorie had a heart attack . She needed double bypass surgery , an open-heart procedure that redirects blood around a blocked or partially blocked artery in the heart .
“ Cardiac surgery is very engaging and fascinating because we get to make a big difference in patients ’ lives . These are life-saving procedures for most patients ,” said AHN Dr . Hazem El-Khatib , who treated Marjorie . One thing Marjorie clearly remembers is a positive care experience : “ Dr . El-Khatib was very nice . He checked on me every day and that was great .”
Marjorie recovered at home for six weeks before beginning cardiac rehab to rebuild strength and stamina . “ Usually , cardiac rehab takes 6 weeks . I finished it in 3 .”
Recovering from double bypass surgery is an impressive feat , let alone successfully completing cardiac rehab three weeks early , especially at an advanced age . It ’ s a milestone worth celebrating . “ I ’ m 81 years old . They had a graduation party and gave me a diploma . I still have it hanging up ,” Marjorie laughed .
Marjorie is also celebrating another major milestone in her recovery . “ I quit smoking cold turkey . No patch or anything . Personally , I think I ’ m doing pretty good . I ’ m proud of myself , and my kids feel the same way .”
“ Controlling your risk factors , such as not smoking , is key to managing your cardiovascular health ,” said AHN Cardiothoracic Physician ’ s Assistant , Certified ( PA-C ), Marie Delaney . In fact , she ’ s already easing back into work , bartending one or two days a week . In addition to being a natural fighter , Marjorie credits the care and support she received from both her family and her care team at Forbes Hospital . “ When you feel comfortable with the people around you , you feel good . It gives you the motivation to keep going .” With her surgery behind her and a visit from a grandson ahead of her , Marjorie is going strong .
Source : https :// www . cdc . gov / heartdisease / women . htm