• Fatigue
• Blurry vision
• Head and neck pain
The best way to properly monitor eye and vision health is to make
sure your child gets a comprehensive eye exam every year.
A big smile can say a lot about your overall health, so if you’ve
been skipping out on the dentist, you may want to schedule your
visit. A yearly dental visit protects against poor oral health that
can lead to greater problems down the road. Good oral hygiene,
including brushing at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
and flossing, can protect against the damaging effects of gum
disease. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that is due to
plaque and tartar buildup on teeth, leaving gums red, swollen,
and irritated. When left untreated, gingivitis can advance to
periodontitis. A more serious and painful disease, periodontitis
causes gums to pull away from teeth, allowing bacteria to build in
the pockets between. Due to the infection and inflammation, your
body’s natural reaction is to fight the bacteria, which can lead to
breakdown of the bones and tissue around your teeth.
Studies also suggest that poor oral health is related to systemic
diseases including diabetes, oral cancer, stroke, and heart disease.
Routine visits to your dentist can identify oral problems before they
become painful and more serious. So how can you protect your
pearly whites against long-term health concerns?
• Schedule routine checkups with your dental professional.
• Brush your teeth twice a day.
• Floss daily (you may not see immediate benefits, but you’ll be
saving your gum health in the long run).
• Eat a balanced diet to get the proper nutrients your teeth and
gums need to stay strong.
• Drink lots of water!
• Quit smoking; it is one of the most significant risk factors in
developing gum disease.
• Replace your toothbrush every three months.
Is your job a pain in the neck? If you work in a sedentary
environment, your response is probably yes. Musculoskeletal
pain is caused by excessive sitting throughout the day, leading to
slouching, hunching over, and muscles in your body going without
use for hours. Studies are finding that although a regular workout
routine helps, it won’t combat the constant weight on your rump.
Although some offices are moving toward healthier options, such as
convertible stand up/sit down desks or treadmill desks (if you have
the skill to think and walk at the same time), most of us have to face
our chairs every day. What a pain!
There are ways to prevent the negative effects, such as stiffness
and poor circulation, of constant sitting:
• Get up and move! If you find yourself sitting for extended
periods of time, you need to break the habit. Schedule an alarm
for every 30 minutes to get up and take a lap around your office.
Manage your time effectively by going to pick up your paper from
the printer or grabbing a glass of water. Even better? Visit a co-
worker to talk about a project instead of sending an email.
Continued on next page >