Mrs. Zahorchak’s 2nd grade
class visited The Palace Theater
in Greensburg for Beauty
and the Beast, presented by
Stage Right. Over 300 1st and
2nd grade students district-
wide attended this classic
GSMS students Andie and Allie
Beck shared the journey of
the loss of their father at the
20th anniversary of the Caring
Place. Superintendent Dr.
Eileen Amato, GSMS Principal
Adam Jones, and guidance
counselor Toni Ann Bielick
attended the event with the
girls and their mother, Jennifer.
Nearly 25 school districts were
represented at the event.
Send Us Your Photos.
We’re looking to publish your best neighborhood and community photos from your Instagram, iPhone or camera! Please email your photos to
[email protected]. Be sure to include your name, the specific location where the photo was taken and any other information you would like
to include. The photo must be from the Greensburg Salem area.
*To be considered for publication, all high-quality photos must be original size, digital format (1MB or larger) and highest resolution possible,
300 dpi preferred. Please put “Greensburg Salem Photo” in the subject line of the email.
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