IN Greensburg Salem Winter 2016 | Page 28

Season of Giving Let Your Kids Be Santa’s E lves WESTMORELAND COUNTY TOYS FOR TOTS Address: Check the website for 2016 drop-off locations. Contact:, [email protected], or 724.834.4542 PLAY IT FORWARD PITTSBURGH Address: Check the website for drop-offs at local businesses in the east suburbs. Contact: Teach your kids how to make another child’s holiday special! This organization collects gently used toys and offers them free to families in need. Donate your own toys or offer to collect toys among your neighbors, moms group or as a project through your service organization. Collect donations from your customers at your business, help provide supplies needed or donate funds to pay for the expenses associated with the drive and much more. Visit the website for more information. SALVATION ARMY WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION Address: Check the website for all of the east suburb locations. Contact:, or 412.446.1548 A fun and festive family giving project! The Salvation Army provides thousands of children and individuals with Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, winter coats, clothing, toys and gifts. Through the Project Bundle-Up, Treasures for Children, and Adopt-a-Family programs, you can make someone’s holiday better. There are many ways to volunteer or to make monetary donations. Visit the website for more information. MARINE TOYS FOR TOTS FOUNDATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TOYS“R”US Drop-off Location: 3735 William Penn Highway, Monroeville Contact:,, or 412.373.8043 Show your kids the true meaning of the holidays! Take the family change jar to Toys“R”Us while holiday shopping and purchase a gift for a child in need! The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during the holiday season each year and distribute them as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. Toys“R”Us provides convenient drop-off areas in its stores to help Toys for Tots’ mission. Visit the website for more information. Show your kids the true meaning of the holidays! Donate toys, make a monetary contribution or volunteer to assist in the transportation and storage of toys and more! Greater Greensburg Marine Corps League Detachment 834 is the only authorized organization to operate the local Toys for Tots campaign in Westmoreland County. It has been the proud sponsor of the program for more than 17 years. The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. Provide a Holiday Dinner GREATER PITTSBURGH COMMUNITY FOOD BANK MEMBER AGENCIES IN THE EAST SUBURBS Address: Contact the website for east suburb locations. Contact:, or 412.460.3663 Make sure a family in need has a happy holiday dinner! GPCFB relies on a strong network of over 400 independent organizations, called Member Agencies and Partner Distribution Organizations, to distribute food to individuals and families throughout an 11-county service area. Many of these organizations are entirely volunteer based. The dedication of the member network allows distribution of 26.5 million pounds of food to 360,000 people annually. Make a difference and check the website for ways to donate food and monetary funds, volunteer opportunities, and more in your own community! WESTMORELAND COUNTY FOOD BANK, INC. Address: 100 Devonshire Drive, Delmont Contact:, or 724.468.8660 Fill a family’s kitchen shelves for winter by donating food items to your local food bank! Each month, WCFB delivers food and household necessities to a network of 45 food pantries throughout Westmoreland County. Donate monetary funds, food items, or participate in many volunteer opportunities in your own community. Visit the website for more information. Create Some Sparkle Leonard Zhukovsky / OVERLY’S COUNTRY CHRISTMAS 26 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Greensburg-Salem Address: 116 Blue Ribbon Lane, Greensburg Contact:, or 724.423.1400 Love to decorate your home with holiday lights? Give back to the community and experience the ambiance of the holidays at the same time! Benefiting low-income and at-risk families in Westmoreland, Fayette, Somerset and Allegheny counties, OCC is a nonprofit volunteer organization committed to creating holiday memories and traditions for the community with a drive-through light display and a walk around Christmas Village. Volunteer opportunities include setting up and tearing down the displays, assisting in the Christmas