IN Greensburg-Salem Summer 2014 | Page 10

INEVENTS REENACTOR TEACHES FAMILIES ABOUT CIVIL WAR In 1913, Peter Guibert, a 70-year-old Civil War veteran from Pittsburgh, paid tribute to the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg by marching from the Allegheny Courthouse to Gettysburg. He played the same drum he had used as a 20-year-old soldier during the Battle of Gettysburg. Last year Jim Smith, of Greensburg, a Vietnam Veteran, Civil War re-enactor and percussionist, made that same journey, playing Guibert’s drum, which he now owns. Smith shared this experience and other stories at “A Civil War Field Drum: In Battle and Beyond,” during the Children’s Heritage event at the Depreciation Lands Museum. PHOTOS AND TEXT BY KATHY RUDOLPH Clockwise, from top left: Jim Smith of Jim Smith’s Civil War Field Drum presentation; Volunteers, Elizabeth Huwe and Blake Williamson; Peter Guibert 1913 Blue and Gray Reunion Band; Display of Martin Delany, Civil War Major, on loan from Heinz History Center; Jim Smith, Martin Neaman, Joseph Hoesch, and Annette Robinson, president of the Orchard Park Neighborhood Association and Civil War Field Drum presentation organizer; John Tadler and Dan Connolly, volunteers; Corn for samp. Following page, clockwise from top left: Volunteer Mike’s carving; Andy Rogers, volunteer; Karen Parsons, event organizer, with Cameron Williamson, volunteer; Kids participate in Jim Smith’s Civil War Field Drum presentation; Historic sewing kit loaned from Laura Lockard; Arsenal Worker Display on loan from Heinz History Center 8 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Greensburg-Salem