IN Greensburg Salem Spring 2022 | Page 3

Pulmonary medicine is in his DNA .

Dr . Giath Shari is a self-described lung geek . “ My father was a thoracic surgeon ,” he said . “ I ’ ve been fascinated with lungs ever since I was a kid .”
It ’ s that passion , along with the passion of everyone else on the AHN pulmonary team , that has earned the AHN lung cancer program a 3-star rating for lobectomy from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons . “ That ’ s the highest designation you can receive , and we ’ re the only hospital system in Western PA to have received it ,” Dr . Shari said .
As part of our multidisciplinary approach for lung cancer diagnosis and treatment , Dr . Shari and the pulmonary team work together across specialties and subspecialties ( such as thoracic surgery , radiology , oncology , cardiology , and pharmacology ) to assess and diagnose findings and determine next steps for the best outcomes .
“ It ’ s gratifying to be able to provide this high level of care in a personable , comfortable , and convenient setting right in the heart of Hempfield .”

Equally focused on state-of-the-art and state-of-the-heart .

Meet Dr . Joseph Houda , Surgery Lead Physician of AHN Cancer Institute Lung and Pleural Cancer Disease Site Leadership Team .
He ’ s obsessed with ensuring we have the latest state-of-the-art surgical systems and technology throughout our hospitals so that we can provide tertiary-level quality of care in all our communities . Just as important to
Dr . Houda is our state-of-the-heart approach to patient care .
“ We consider personal things , like work schedules , what ’ s going on in their lives , and try to accommodate the care we provide to fit within that ,” he says . “ Ultimately , we ’ re here to help people have a better life , a healthier life , not just treat disease .”
Which means looking at the whole patient to make the experience as good as it can be . And taking care of things in a more convenient way for them , closer to their homes .
Dr . Houda has been with AHN since 2016 . He ’ s also an Assistant Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Drexel University College of Medicine .
For appointments or more information , call ( 412 ) DOCTORS or visit ahn . org .