IN Greensburg Salem Fall 2017 | Page 10

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Gourmet Grilled Cheese Fresh Salads & Soups Waffles , Crepes & Desserts
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The Greensburg Salem High School junior varsity baseball team was recently honored by the Rotary Club of Greensburg as a “ Paul Harris Fellow ,” along with WPIAL umpire Gary Harvat . The award is presented to groups or individuals who exemplify an outstanding commitment to the community and to the ideals of Rotary .
Judge Michele Bononi of the Westmoreland Court of Common Pleas commented that she usually sees young people in crisis , so it was nice to see a group of young people being recognized for their very positive actions .
In presenting the awards to the team and to Harvat , Rotary District 7330 Past District Governor Jeanne Morrison noted that their actions not only exemplified Rotary ’ s motto of “ Service Above Self ” but also showed the meaning of the current Rotary year ’ s theme of “ Rotary Serving Humanity ” and next year ’ s theme of “ Rotary Making A Difference .” The group had helped a student with special needs to bat , get on base , and score a run at a game .
In closing , Carolyn Tlumack , President of the Rotary Club of Greensburg and the mother of a boy with special needs , told the team and Harvat that they will never realize how much of an impact their simple gesture made in the life of a student , and that their act of kindness will never be forgotten by that student .
Carolyn Tlumack , President of the Rotary Club of Greensburg ; Jeanne Morrison , Past District Governor of Rotary District 7330 ; WPIAL Umpire , Gary Harvat ; Eileen Amato , Superintendent of the Greensburg Salem School District and Nick Diehl , Head Coach of the JV Team pose with the players and their award .
WPIAL umpire Gary Harvat ; Noah Sweeney , captain of the Greensburg Salem JV baseball team ; and Nick Diehl , head coach .
Players and their head coach holding the Paul Harris Fellow Award .
Now in its 48th season , the 2017-2018 Citizens Bank Children ’ s Theater Series , presented by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust , introduces children to the arts early in life , sparking their interest and appreciation so they continue to enjoy and support the arts as they grow up . This series , for ages 3 and up , features live performances based on prize-winning and popular children ’ s books adapted for the stage and other performance artistry , such as amazing theatrical puppetry and acrobatics . Award-winning national and international professional theater companies will bring these performances to neighborhoods throughout the region . Visit TrustArts . org / Kids or call 412.456.6666 for more information . n
Theatreworks USA cast members in “ Skippyjon Jones : Snow What ,” part of the 2017- 2018 Citizens Bank Children ’ s Theater Series .
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