where local nonprofits can inform the community of their upcoming
events and activities for a nominal fee. In observance of the Rotary
Club of Greensburg’s 75th Anniversary in 1991, a town clock was
installed in the Courthouse Square on Main Street.
More recently, in 2007, the club donated $10,000 to the community
of Greensburg, Kansas, following the EF5 tornado that destroyed 90
percent of the town of 1,700 residents.
In addition to local service, the Rotary Club of Greensburg also
strives to serve the world community. This year, the club participates
in an “international theme” that extends services around the globe.
Members of the Rotary Club of Greensburg have participated in
Rotary mission trips to the Dominican Republic and India through
their association with the Rotary Foundation. The Rotary Foundation
is the charitable arm of Rotary International and, since its inception,
the members of the Rotary Club of Greensburg have contributed
in excess of $300,000. Projects of the Rotary Foundation include
international health and sanitation, education and polio eradication.
To celebrate this year’s 100th anniversary of the club’s founding,
several events have already taken place. In February, Valentine’s Day
cards were provided to 100 Senior Life clients at the Greensburg
Center; the student who correctly spelled the 100th word in this year’s
Spelling Bee received a $100 gift certificate; a community “ribbontying” ceremony took place in April; and the club has presented a
local nonprofit with $100 each month, as collected from its weekly
“Happy Bucks.” Under the direction of past presidents Jeanne Burth
and Cathy Baumann, and Board Members Yvonne Bloom and Marcy
Zajdel, planning is also underway for a grand centennial celebration on
October 4.
“The club’s future plans involve continuing our mission of ‘Service
Above Self,’” says Barnhart. “If a project for community betterment
comes about, you can bet that Rotarians will be involved. No matter if
it’s for our youth, senior citizens or veterans, Rotary is there.”
The Rotary Club of Greensburg meets each week on Tuesdays at
noon at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel in Greensburg. Any person
interested in membership is welcome to attend a weekly meeting. For
more information, visit greensburgrotary.com. n
County Commissioner Chuck Anderson, also a member of the Rotary Club of
Greensburg, administering the polio vaccine in India.
Nick Silvis, the Rotary Club of Greensburg’s youngest member, at a Health Clinic
in the Dominican Republic teaching children the proper way to wash hands.
Officers Past and Present
Founding Officers (1916) of the Greensburg Rotary Club:
President: Frank B. Miller
Vice President: Joseph Strouse
Secretary and Treasurer: B.W. Kerr
Sergeant at Arms: E.H. Bair
Current Officers (2016) of the Greensburg Rotary Club:
President: Carolyn Tlumack
President-Elect: Marcy Zajdel
Vice President: Gene James
Past President: John Hanna
Secretary: Bob Bloom
Treasurer: Mark Barnhart
2016 Board of Directors:
Yvonne Bloom
David Cantando
Al Lazar
Katie Fritsch
Rod Booker
Cathy Baumann
Pictured above are four young people from a recent meeting at which they received a Madeline Nichols grant for the Interact Clubs at Greensburg Salem and
Hempfield Area high schools. They joined other Interact Clubs in the district to
purchase and pack backpacks for students at a middle school in West Virginia.
Interact is a service club sponsored by Rotary Clubs in local high schools.
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