t Onyx Wellness, chiropractic care is focused on quick
results, utilizing an approach that incorporates traditional
treatment methods along with exercise and stabilization
programs developed with a vast knowledge of sports medicine
and rehabilitation. In fact, Onyx Wellness utilizes treatment plans
developed by Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians and Certified
Strength and Conditioning Specialists, ensuring patients access to
the same superior treatment programs that professional athletes
enjoy! So, whether you are an athlete, weekend warrior, or just injured
yourself working around the house, you will benefit from the 30
years of combined experience and knowledge that the chiropractic
physicians have to offer at Onyx Wellness.
Onyx Wellness Spa is also fully integrated into Onyx Wellness and
specializes in skin care, massage, body treatments, manicures, and
pedicures with an emphasis on providing an unforgettable sensory
experience. All of the treatments incorporate a unique aspect, such
as specific scents and exhilarating tactile sensations, leaving you with
an overall feeling of rejuvenation that you will not soon forget! The
spa has spent a great deal of time researching partnered brands and
has found exceptional products that are not offered anywhere else in
the greater Pittsburgh area. Soon, it hopes to offer med-spa amenities
such as injectable services and tattoo removal!
In addition to the leading techniques and treatment programs,
Onyx Wellness offers the area’s only High Dosage Laser Therapy, which
uses the power of amplified light at specific wavelengths and high
intensities to reduce inflammation, stimulate cellular regeneration
and repair, improve nerve function, and reduce pain. This remarkable
treatment is the same that professional athletes receive in order to
quickly recover from injuries that would otherwise prevent them from
getting back in the game. It is effective for muscular strains, tennis
elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, failed surgical back syndrome, disc
herniations, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, and many more conditions
that may not respond to other means of treatment.
Did you know High Dosage Laser
Therapy actually has the potential to
accelerate your body to heal 300 times
faster than normal? Other clinics offer
Cold Lasers, also known as low-power lasers. Unfortunately, they do
not produce the results, dosage, or laser energy needed to efficiently
help your condition.
That’s why Onyx Wellness is proud to feature High Dosage Laser
Therapy by Diowave for patients at both the Greensburg and
Leechburg locations. In the area of treatment, this laser will increase
metabolic rate, which helps pull healthy nutrients to the damaged
area. In turn, more oxygen and blood flow is circulated to that area,
creating the optimal healing environment.
Treatments are fast, non-invasive, and offer a more advanced way
of healing naturally. It is the only modality that restores your body at a
cellular level and the best non-surgical option for pain management.
Imagine living your life with less pain. Let Onyx Wellness help you
discover how this revolutionary therapy can benefit you! Contact the
practice today to schedule your laser consultation with one of their
three knowledgeable doctors.
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