IN Fox Chapel Area Winter 2019 | Page 30

If a child transfers to another school system, records will be forwarded after notification of enrollment is received from the new school. According to the FERPA, 1974, various nonconfidential information can be released to outside agencies without your consent. This directory information consists of student’s name; address; telephone number; email address; photograph; date and place of birth; major field of study; dates of attendance; grade level; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; degrees, honors, and awards received; the most recent educational agency or institution attended; and other similar information. If you do not want directory information about your child released, please notify the Fox Chapel Area School District Deputy Superintendent, in writing, at the beginning of each school year at 611 Field Club Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238. EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT REPORT CARD In the fall of 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) released the first edition of the Future Ready PA Index, a comprehensive progress report that provides parents and community members with easy- to-understand information about Pennsylvania schools and student success. For more information and to view the Future Ready PA Index and all Pennsylvania school results, visit ARMED FORCES/MILITARY RECRUITERS/MILITARY SCHOOLS Both federal public law 107-110, section 9528 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and state laws require that school districts provide military recruiters access to secondary school students. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002, and Pennsylvania Act 10 (The Armed Forces Recruiting Act) reflect these requirements. They collectively require school districts to provide military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as they provide to post-secondary institutions or to prospective employers. This would include the student’s name, address, and telephone number. However, the law also allows parents/students the right to opt- out from this by requesting that the district not release information to armed forces, military recruiters, and/ or military schools. The school counseling department offers a “Military Release of Information Opt-Out Form.” The completion and return of the form serves as a parent’s/student’s request to withhold private information. Parental permission is required for those students under 18 years of age. Students 18 and over may sign for themselves. For further information, parents/ students should contact the Fox Chapel Area High School counseling office at 412/967-2438 prior to the beginning of each school year. 28 FOX CHAPEL AREA ASBESTOS REINSPECTIONS In compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, the EPA requires the district to perform reinspections of asbestos materials every three years. In December 2019, accredited asbestos inspectors will perform these reinspections and a certified asbestos management planner will review the results. The results of the reinspections will be on file in the school district administration office as part of the asbestos management plan. The management plan is available for viewing by the public during regular school hours (Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.). MEDIA NOTIFICATION Our students, educational programs, school events, and community-oriented activities are sometimes made the subject of recording by video, audio, photography, and the like for use as instructional and informational tools. Since the schools are public buildings, students are frequently the subject of video and audio recording, interviewing, and/or photographing. In addition, our students’ work is sometimes published in print and/or the electronic media. The district will allow students to be recorded, interviewed, and/or photographed and students’ work to be published for legitimate public purposes. Throughout the school year, students may be recorded, interviewed, and/or photographed by representatives from newspapers, television stations, and radio stations, as well as district communications office personnel or their designees and these items may be publicly displayed. Students and their work and photographs may also appear in print media and/or electronically on places such as public websites, social media, and through broadcasts. If parents/guardians object to such publication, a written objection must be filed. The district will not deliberately publish a child if a written objection has been filed. The district will also make a reasonable effort to avoid publication by any third party. It is understood that the district certainly has no control of the news media or others outside of the school organization. Student participation in school activities, especially athletics and other competitive events, increases the likelihood of publication of stories and images of those students. Written objections must be filed at the beginning of each school year with the Coordinator of Communications, Fox Chapel Area School District, 611 Field Club Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238. If a written objection has been filed in the past, a new letter of objection must still be filed each year. If parents/guardians do not file a written objection, their silence will serve as implied consent.