Lukas Sarra, Thomas Traub, Abigail Troutman, and William
Urso. Juniors inducted were Suparna Agrawal, Arda Akinci,
Kaya Akinci, Nathan Anderson, Kent Baldauf, Emma Begg,
Lyle Blaylock, Zoe Boychuk,
Melina Bradley, Elena Bradley,
Garrett Bradley, Katherine
Caracciolo, Allison Carey, Rachel
Chang, Kathryn Chivinsky,
Ian Cohen, Elizabeth Conroy,
Elena Conway, Alexa Correnti,
Annabelle Cullen, Jean Daniher,
Margaret Dean, Ella DeCecco,
Domenica Delaney, Maria
DeMotte, Cassandra Denny,
Noah Diamond, Erin Doherty,
Ryan Doherty, Samantha
Dunlap, Colin Elder, Emily
Students in their sophomore year who have an unweighted
cumulative Quality Point Average (QPA) of 3.5 or higher
are invited to apply for membership in the NHS. Applicants
must also have a minimum of
two service activities and be
involved in at least two additional
clubs and/or groups. They must
exhibit leadership qualities and
provide character references.
Once they are inducted, they
must maintain their QPA and
continue their community service
work through NHS-sponsored
projects and other organizations.
Fera, Ethan Flanders, Madelyn
ox Chapel Area
Francis, Meredith Francis, Sara
High School held
Friday, Shane Funk, Amulya
its annual National
Garimella, Ainsley Good,
Honor Society (NHS)
Isabella Hamm, Hanna Harris,
induction ceremony on August
Catherine Heidenreich, Lauren
26. The keynote speaker was
Himmel, Nathaniel Hines,
David Short, a 1977 graduate
Rachel Horne, Ravi Hughes,
of Fox Chapel Area High
Clayton Humbert, Aidan
School. Mr. Short served as
Ireland, Luke Johnson, Kenzi
chairman of the board and co-
Kavalir, Ava Kazmierczak,
CEO of the American Funds
Maggie Kelly, Ryan Kenyon,
Group. Among other things,
Isabella Krisky, Wyatt Krisky,
he has an honorary doctorate
David Kronman, Nathanael
from John Carroll University,
Kuhns, Nathaniel Lazzara,
which he graduated from in
The Fox Chapel Area High School National Honor Society officers
Emily Li, Isabella Liberto, Erika
1981. He also completed a
with keynote speaker, 1977 Fox Chapel Area graduate David Short.
Litwin, Lucy Markovitz, Jessica
cross-country bike ride from
McCann, Nora McDougall,
San Diego to Hilton Head,
Maximus McQuarrie, Jose Morales,
South Carolina. Mr. Short resides
Marissa Moretti, Jocelyn Morningstar,
in Indiana Township and he and
Alexandria Morton, Jacques Moye,
his wife, Beth, have four children,
Madeline Myerburg, Anthony
all of whom are Fox Chapel Area
Nguyen, John Nury, Aidan Oehrle,
High School graduates. As part of
Sophia Oehrle, Xavier Perry, Neena
his speech, Mr. Short described
Pietropaolo, John Polcyn, Mark
how he implements the four pillars
Puthenpurayil, Alexis Quackenbush,
of the NHS (scholarship, service,
Kimia Rafiee, Todd Resek, Justin
leadership, and character) into
Rice, Abigail Rickin-Marks, Benjamin
his daily life. He also reminded
Rickin-Marks, Cecilia Rike, Marissa
inductees that while effective leaders
Ritter, Jackson Romero, Thayer Russ, Brooke Ryan, Vinisha
are capable and intelligent, they also must possess a strong
Sant, Elizabeth Schwartzman, John Scott IV, Sanjay Seshan,
character and have a desire to serve their communities.
Vivian Shao, Anthony Shin, Dong Hyun “Simon” Shin,
This year, 140 students were accepted in the Fox Chapel Area
Emma Shiner, Sadie Simpson, Benjamin Siri, Olivia Smith,
High School NHS. Those inducted were seniors Ryan Billings,
Nishi Thawani, Christine Thomas, Mary “Libby” Thompson,
Nicole Blackwell, Nicolina Damian, Margaret Gaddess,
Aaron Tien, Isabelle Uhl, Michael VanDemark, Lexie Wagner,
Harrison Hamm, Annamarie Hart, Keith Haw, Henry Jacques,
Joey Wang, Emma Wecht, Tyler Weinberger, Ethan Werner,
Joseph Johnson, Jacob Kosak, Cameron Mackey-Piccolo,
Kaylee Werner, Alwyn Williams, Nathaniel Yerage, Annabella
Matthew Mattioli, Anna Meyer, Emily Noonan, Oscar Oliva,
Zgurzynski, Zoey Zoschg, and Matthew Zytnick.
Thaleia Papapetropoulou, Nicolas Perico, Joseph Rhodes,
Fox Chapel Area High School senior
Claire Fenton contributed to this story.