IN Fox Chapel Area Winter 2016 | 页面 11

What makes a great school? The students at Fairview Elementary know why their Blue Ribbon School is one of the best in the nation, and they are happy to tell you. Their comments were included in a video prepared to celebrate Fairview’s recent recognition, and you can also read some of their comments on pages 12 and 13 in this magazine. I can tell you that all of our schools at Fox Chapel Area are great. Recently, I was pleased to be able to share what makes the education that we offer here stand out at the League of Innovative Schools meeting held in Baltimore. The Fox Chapel Area School District was inducted into this prestigious organization, along with 18 other districts from across the nation who are also leaders and serve as examples of innovation. It was an honor to be among the leaders of these great districts and I look forward to both sharing what we do here at Fox Chapel Area, as well as learning about their best practices as we continue to innovate education and learning together. Great schools don’t happen by accident. At the best schools, administrators and staff are willing to constantly work to find the best tools for students, and are happy to share ideas that work with other districts. Parents are actively involved in the education of their children and cooperative partnerships are developed with teachers. The students engage in learning and the teachers serve as mentors guiding education. The support staff helps to make every day run smoothly. The School Board works diligently without compensation to ensure the district provides a great education while balancing the resources available in the community. Area business people share their expertise and resources so that education extends outside of the classroom walls, and the entire community believes in the mission of the school district. I am proud to tell you that this is representative of what is happening right here in the Fox Chapel Area School District. I am so grateful to be a part of this educational community. As we build the future together, I pledge that we will focus on constantly moving forward – always keeping our eyes centered on the best interests of our students. I am so grateful to be a part of this educational community. As we build the future together, I pledge that we will focus on constantly moving forward – always keeping our eyes centered on the best interests of our students. Sincerely, Gene Freeman, Ed.D. Fox Chapel Area | Winter 2016 | 9 FOX C HAP E L ARE A SC HOOL N E WS Dear Friends, Fox Chapel Area A MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT