IN Fox Chapel Area Summer 2019 | Page 36

House Washing EVER WONDER WHEN THE BEST TIME IS TO REPLACE YOUR OLD AIR CONDITIONER? NOW. NOW. R e c e i v e u p t o a $ 1 , 7 0 0 R E B A T E * . O R w i t h t h e p u r c h a s e o f q u a l i f y i n g L e n n o x ® H o m e C o m f o r t p r o d u c t s . $ 1 5 O F F a P r e c i s i o n T u n e u p * * . 4 1 2 - 7 8 1 - 7 0 2 6 G l e n s h a w , P A m a y h e a t i n g . c o m P A R e g . # : P A 0 3 0 3 6 8 O f f e r e x p i r e s 0 6 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 9 . * R e b a t e o f f e r i s v a l i d o n l y w i t h t h e p u r c h a s e o f q u a l i f y i n g L e n n o x p r o d u c t s . S y s t e m r e b a t e o f f e r s r a n g e f r o m $ 1 0 0 t o $ 1 , 7 0 0 . * * S e r v i c e o f f e r g o o d f o r o n e t r a n s a c t i o n . D e a l e r r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o a m e n d t h e t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e . © 2 0 1 8 L e n n o x I n d u s t r i e s I n c . L e n n o x D e a l e r s i n c l u d e i n d e p e n d e n t l y o w n e d a n d o p e r a t e d b u s i n e s s e s . O n e o f f e r p e r q u a l i f y i n g p u r c h a s e . 412-781-7026 412-583-4704 SPONSORED CONTENT BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT MAY HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING RECEIVES LIFETIME AWARD FROM LENNOX ® INTERNATIONAL Company Earns Award for Decades of Brand Service M 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE ❘ Offer expires 06/14/2019. *Rebate offer is valid only with the purchase of qualifying Lennox products. System rebate offers range from $100 to $1,700. **Service offer good for one transaction. Dealer reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. © 2018 Lennox Industries Inc. Lennox Dealers include independently owned and operated businesses. One offer per qualifying purchase. SPONSORED CONTENT May Heating & Air Conditioning receives 40-year Lifetime Award from Lennox International with Lennox executives. Left to right: Mike Hart, Jill Murphy, Alex May, Carol May, Bob May, Quentin May, Brad Brelo, Kim McGill, Quan Nguyen. ay Heating & Air Conditioning, based in Glenshaw, recently received the Dave Lennox Lifetime of Service Award, an award given by Lennox International, a heating and air conditioning equipment manufacturer. The award celebrates 40 years of serving the community while representing the Lennox brand. “I’m honored to receive this award with my family for our years of service for our customers,” said Bob May, President of May Heating & Air Conditioning. “My dad and I started this business and it’s really special continuing to serve our customers’ heating and air conditioning needs with my two sons, Quentin and Alex.” May Heating & Air Conditioning has served neighbors throughout Pittsburgh’s northern communities by providing home comfort through heating and air conditioning installation and services since the 1960s, when Bob started the business with 34 Glenshaw, PA 15116 Lic. #: PA030368 his father in Aspinwall. After his father died in 2002, Bob moved the company to its current location in Glenshaw. “I had an exceptional experience with May Heating & Air Conditioning,” Wayne Chiaramonte said in an online review of the business. “Genuine, efficient and talented, the May family did nothing but impress and I will continue to use and recommend their services moving forward.” May Heating & Air Conditioning was honored at a special celebration in Washington, D.C., in late March. “The Dave Lennox Lifetime of Service Award is how we honor and thank our most valuable long time dealers,” said Douglas L. Young, President and COO of LII Residential Heating & Cooling. To find out more about how May Heating & Air Conditioning can help you with your home’s heating, cooling and indoor air quality needs, call 412.781.7026, or visit