IN Fox Chapel Area Summer 2019 | Page 30

FOX CHAPEL AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DIRECTORY District Administration 611 Field Club Road Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412/963-9600 Superintendent: Gene Freeman, Ed.D. Deputy Superintendent: David McCommons, Ed.D. Business Manager: Kimberly Pawlishak District Resource Staff Executive Director of Elementary Education and Instruction: Ashley Constantine, Ed.D. Executive Director of Secondary Education and Instruction: Matthew Harris, Ed.D. Director of Special Education and Pupil Services: Timothy Mahoney Executive Director of Instructional and Innovative Leadership: Megan Collett, Ed.D. Director of Literacy: Sari Brecosky Director of Student Achievement and Instructional Verification: G. Daniel DiDesiderio III, Ed.D. Coordinator of English Language Arts: Dana Simile Director of Ancillary Services: Daniel Breitkreutz School Safety and Security Coordinator: Joseph Kozarian Director of Athletics: Michael O’Brien Coordinator of Communications: Bonnie Berzonski Community Engagement Specialist: Jill Leonard FOX CHAPEL AREA SCHOOLS Fairview Elementary School 738 Dorseyville Road Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412/963-9315 Principal: Rebecca Stephan, Ed.D. Hartwood Elementary School 3730 Saxonburg Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412/767-5396 Principal: Rachel Fischbaugh, Ed.D. Kerr Elementary School 341 Kittanning Pike Pittsburgh, PA 15215 412/781-4105 Principal: Paul Noro, Ed.D. Dorseyville Middle School 3732 Saxonburg Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412/767-5343 Principal: Jonathan Nauhaus Assistant Principal: Cassandra Pencek Fox Chapel Area High School 611 Field Club Road Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412/967-2430 Lead Principal: Michael Hower, Ed.D. Program Principal (A-L): Daniel Lentz, Ph.D. Program Principal (M-Z): John McGee, Ph.D. O’Hara Elementary School 115 Cabin Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412/963-0333 Principal: Kristy Batis Assistant Principal: Stephen Edwards COMPLIANCE STATEMENT For the latest information on school activities and weather-related delays and cancellations, visit the Fox Chapel Area School District website at FOX CHAPEL AREA SCHOOL BOARD First row (left to right): Robert Mauro, Treasurer (2021 - Region III); Nancy B. Foster, Vice President (2019 - Region III); Gene Freeman, Ed.D., Superintendent; Terry L. Wirginis, President (2019 - Region II); and Sandra M. Garbisch, Assistant Secretary (2019 - Region II) Second row (left to right): Lisa M. Rutkowski (2019 - Region I); Edith L. Cook, Ph.D. (2021 - Region III); Somer Obernauer Jr. (2021 - Region I); Eric C. Schmidt (2019 - Region I); and Dharmesh Vyas, M.D., Ph.D. (2021 - Region II) Third row (left to right): David P. McCommons, Ed.D., Deputy Superintendent; Kathleen Anuszek, Board Secretary; and Paul J. Giuffre, Esq., Solicitor 28 Additional information pertaining to civil rights, school district policies, and grievance procedures can be obtained by contacting the compliance officers listed below between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. This notice is available from the compliance officers in large print, on audiotape, and in Braille. Title IX: David P. McCommons, Ed.D. (412/967-2456) Section 504 and ADA: Timothy A. Mahoney (412/967-2435) Address: Fox Chapel Area School District 611 Field Club Road Pittsburgh, PA 15238 The athletic events calendar can be found on the Fox Chapel Area School District athletic website at The Fox Chapel Area School District is an equal rights and opportunity school district. The school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, or handicap/disability. The district shall make reasonable accommodations for identified physical and mental impairments that constitute disabilities, consistent with the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations. FOX CHAPEL AREA Region I covers all of Sharpsburg Borough and Wards 2, 3, and 4 of O’Hara Township; Region II covers Districts 2, 4, and 5 of Fox Chapel Borough and all of Indiana Township; and Region III covers all of Aspinwall Borough, Blawnox Borough, Wards 1 and 5 of O’Hara Township, and Districts 1 and 3 of Fox Chapel Borough. School Board meetings are usually scheduled for the first and second Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend.