IN Fox Chapel Area Summer 2019 | Page 21

School Safety and Security Coordinator Joseph Kozarian presented to local first responders during a recent dinner. DISTRICT WELCOMES FIRST RESPONDERS Work Continues to Keep Schools Safe T he Fox Chapel Area School District administration held a meeting with local first responders April 29. The meeting involved more than 50 representatives from police, emergency medical services, and fire departments. The meeting was led by Fox Chapel Area School District Safety and Security Coordinator Joseph Kozarian, and the group reviewed some of the district’s safety procedures, discussed the requirements of Act 44 (the Safe Schools Act), and coordinated plans for future safety drills. Mr. Kozarian also talked about the important role the first responders play in keeping students safe, and addressed his own role in the district. representatives from all six municipalities that make up the district took time out of their busy schedules to attend. They truly understand the importance of keeping our students and staff safe.” The meeting ended with a walk-through of the high school to familiarize the first responders with the building and also to allow emergency personnel to make suggestions that would help in the event of an emergency. According to Mr. Kozarian, it’s important to meet with the first responders before a crisis occurs. “The last thing you want to do is to be meeting someone for the first time when you are in the midst of an emergency,” he said. “The meeting was very productive, and I was pleased that FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ SUMMER 2019 19