fox chapel area school district
Salaries and fringe benefits for school librarians, curriculum
coordinators, and support staff. Supplies, equipment, and
purchased services for curriculum development, audio visual,
library, educational television, technology, and computer-
assisted instruction, as well as funds to support safety and
security are also included.
1. Continued purchase of technology equipment, software,
and supplies as well as replacement costs for classroom
and staff equipment that is obsolete.
2. Curriculum and staff development travel and professional
services costs have been reduced.
2017-2018........................................................... $6,381,795
2016-2017........................................................... $6,688,221
Decrease of ..........................................................(-$306,426)
% of change ............................................................. (-4.58%)
Cost per student ..........................................................$1,580
% of budget ................................................................. 6.56%
Salaries and fringe benefits for district office staff, school
principals, and clerical support staff. Expenditures for tax
collection and legal services are also included.
1. Includes cost of supplies and software related to the
administrative offices, and additional staff development
for administrative staff.
2. Includes costs for advertising and printing services.
3. Increase in cost for support substitutes and playground/
cafeteria aides.
pUpil HealTH
Increase of ................................................................. $27,108
% of change .................................................................2.99%
Cost per student ............................................................ $231
% of budget .................................................................0.96%
bUsiNess/daTa serViCes
2500 & 2800
Decrease of ........................................................ (-$330,722)
% of change ..........................................................(-16.33%)
Cost per student ............................................................ $420
% of budget ................................................................1.74%
Salaries and fringe benefits of business/data office staff along
with supplies, expenses, and purchased services to conduct
the business and data processing functions of the district.
Also includes expenditures for video, voice, data networking
equipment, and districtwide duplicating equipment, as well
as district printing and copying charges.
1. Decrease is due to the removal of costs associated with
the initial setup and training costs for a financial and
human resources software management system which was
initiated in 2016-2017.
2. Decrease due to staffing changes and reductions in costs.
OperaTiONs & maiNTeNaNCe
Decrease of ........................................................... (-$59,315)
% of change .............................................................(-0.81%)
Cost per student ......................................................... $1,794
% of budget .................................................................7.45%
Salaries and fringe benefits for the custodial and
maintenance staff plus utility costs, custodial supplies,
and equipment. Services needed to maintain the district’s
physical plant are included, plus salaries and fringe benefits
for those responsible for the coordination of the operation
and maintenance of the district’s facilities.
1. There is an increase in utility costs for electricity.
2. There is a decrease for supplies required to maintain
buildings and grounds.
Salaries and fringe benefits for the nursing staff and a clerk.
Also includes the fees for doctor and dental exams and
nursing services the district must provide for private and
parochial schools. Supplies and equipment to operate the
program are also included.
1. Includes the increase of salary and benefit costs.
2. Includes reduced spending toward travel and general supplies.
Fox Chapel Area | Summer 2017 | 13