IN Fox Chapel Area Summer 2017 | Page 13

fox chapel area school district In addition, the district is preparing for future capital improvements and maintains a reserve to help fund these capital projects. The district issued bonds during 2013 and will have fully utilized those funds by the end of the 2016-2017 school year for the renovations at the high school, as well as to pay for a portion of the renovations at the middle school. The district issued bonds in May 2017 for capital improvement projects in process and in the planning stages at Dorseyville Middle School and the O’Hara, Fairview, and Kerr elementary buildings. The Board and administration are anticipating savings due to the low market interest rates on this new bond issue. By implementing sound financial strategies to manage expenditures and anticipate revenue shortfalls, the district’s future financial health continues to be stronger than many in the commonwealth. However, the district continues to plan for future shortfalls through long-range budget forecasts. Gaming Funds Distribution* On May 2, 2017, the Pennsylvania Department of Education provided the Fox Chapel Area School District with the amount of the district’s share of gaming funds available for distribution. The proposed final budget includes a distribution of $1,480,832. The method of distributing these funds, as prescribed by Act 1, the Taxpayer Relief Act, will be via the implementation of the homestead exclusion. Under this provision, any property in the school district that was approved by Allegheny County as a homestead will have the lesser of its taxable value, or an estimated $9,787 of its taxable value, excluded for the purpose of calculating current school district real estate taxes for the 2017 tax year. The owners of the 7,837 properties in the district that qualified for the homestead exclusion will receive the equivalent of a $188.95 reduction in their property taxes. Property owners who currently do not have an approved homestead exclusion will have the opportunity to apply again when the district sends out letters to those homeowners in December 2017. *Allegheny County has certified that there are 7,837 properties in the Fox Chapel Area School District that qualify for the homestead exclusion. If that number is adjusted by the county to include more or less properties, it could affect the amount of the final reduction. 2017-2018 PROPOSED FINAL BUDGET REVENUES & EXPENDITURES Revenues/Unassigned Fund Balance $4,829,385 $1,389,000 $764,571 6000 - Local: 74.02% - $74,787,094 $19,260,800 7000 - State: 19.06% - $19,260,800 8000 - Federal: 0.76% - $764,571 $74,787,094 9000 - Other Financing: 1.37% - $1,389,000 Unassigned Fund Balance: 4.78% - $4,829,385 Expenditures/Budgetary Reserve 1000 - Instruction, 2100 - Pupil Services, 2200 - Instructional Support Services, 2400 - Pupil Health: 68.1% - $70,411,647 $6,164,385 $4,617,506 $120,657 $2,763,739 $1,811,574 $3,948,693 – $7,244,748 2300 - Administration: 6.2% - $6,381,795 2600 - Operations & Maintenance: 7.0% - $7,244,748 2700 - Student Transportation: 3.8% - $3,948,693 2000 - Remaining Support Services: 1.8% - $1,811,574 3000 - Noninstructional Services: 2.7% - $2,763,739 4000 - Facilities: 0.1% - $120,657 5000 - Other Financing: 4.5% - $4,617,506 5900 - Budgetary Reserve: 6.0% - $6,164,385 $70,411,647 – $6,381,795 Fox Chapel Area | Summer 2017 | 11