Sporting accidents are the cause of numerous injuries to the teeth of school-age children . It is estimated that 40 % of students will sustain such an injury as they mature through their school years . Parents need to protect the teeth of their children as they participate in sporting events .
Football , field hockey , ice hockey , lacrosse , soccer , rugby , basketball , wrestling , and baseball are sports with significant risks for mouth trauma . Football , field hockey , ice hockey , and lacrosse are the only sports in which mouthguards are mandated .
Mouthguards provide protection not only against tooth injuries , but also against jaw fractures , jaw dislocations , and head concussions . Mouthguards protect against concussions by softening the impact of a blow to the jaw .
Unfortunately , most athletes receive information about mouthguards from their coaches , friends , or family , and not from dental professionals . The most commonly purchased over-thecounter mouthguard is the “ boil-n-bite ” variety . According to a respected dental clinician and researcher , Gordon Christensen , DDS , MSD , PhD , the “ boil-n-bite ” can do more harm than not wearing any protection at all ! The posterior teeth are not fully covered by this mouthguard . Since this mouthguard is also not custom-fitted ,
Dr . Alison King Dr . Karin Bittner
Custom-Fitted A third type of mouthguard , which is custom-made in a dental office , provides better protection and durability than the “ boil-n-bite ” or “ stock ” varieties . Dental staff members take an impression of the teeth , pour a stone cast model , and using a vacuum device , adapt the mouthguard material for a custom fit .
Custom-Fitted Laminated Recommended for all levels of contact sports is the custom thermoformed laminated mouthguard . It has greater thickness in vulnerable areas such as the front teeth and biting surfaces . The added thickness offers :
• increased comfort
• better overall protection
• durability
• increased retention
Bittner King Dental Our office provides these mouthguards in a variety of colors and logos , and can be personalized with the wearer ’ s name . They provide
wearers often modify them for comfort . With less coverage of the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth , there is less protection provided by the mouthguard .
The generic type “ stock ” mouthguard commonly purchased in sporting goods stores is also not recommended by dental and medical experts . They are too bulky and not retentive . The only way they are kept in the mouth is by the child biting down on them . These are the least expensive style of mouthguard and also the least protective .
protection for any age , sport or level of competition . For more information or to make an appointment for a custom mouthguard , call Bittner King Dental at 412.242.4222 . We are located at 1344 Freeport Road ( beside Atria ’ s Restaurant ). Coaches and team organizers are welcome to call to arrange a group discount and fitting time .
www . BittnerKingDental . com Dedicated to keeping your smile healthy for a lifetime !
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