District Administration 611 Field Club Road Pittsburgh , PA 15238 412 / 963-9600 www . fcasd . edu Superintendent : Gene Freeman , Ed . D . Assistant Superintendent :
David P . McCommons , Ed . D . Director of Business Affairs :
L . Douglas McCausland
District Resource Staff Director of Secondary Education and Instruction :
Matthew J . Harris , Ed . D . Director of Elementary Education and Instruction :
Ashley L . Nestor Director of Special Education and Pupil Services :
Lonnie Carey , Ed . D . Director of Instructional and Innovative Leadership :
Megan Cicconi Director of Federal Programs and Student
Achievement : Alicia Gismondi Director of Educational Technology : Scott W . Hand Director of Ancillary Services : Daniel Breitkreutz Director of Athletics : Michael O ’ Brien Coordinator of Communications : Bonnie Berzonski
Fairview Elementary School 738 Dorseyville Road Pittsburgh , PA 15238 412 / 963-9315 Principal : Rebecca A . Stephan
Hartwood Elementary School 3730 Saxonburg Boulevard Pittsburgh , PA 15238 412 / 767-5396 Principal : Rachel K . Fischbaugh
Kerr Elementary School 341 Kittanning Pike Pittsburgh , PA 15215 412 / 781-4105 Principal : Paul S . Noro , Ed . D .
O ’ Hara Elementary School 115 Cabin Lane Pittsburgh , PA 15238 412 / 963-0333 Principal : Michael E . Rowe , Ed . D . Assistant Principal : To Be Determined
Dorseyville Middle School 3732 Saxonburg Boulevard Pittsburgh , PA 15238 412 / 767-5343 Principal : Jonathan T . Nauhaus Assistant Principal : Patricia A . Clark Assistant Principal :
James Phillip Prager Jr ., D . Ed .
Fox Chapel Area High School 611 Field Club Road Pittsburgh , PA 15238 412 / 967-2430 Senior / Lead Principal :
Michael H . Hower Program Principal :
Daniel E . Lentz , Ph . D . Assistant Principal – Senior Program :
John J . McGee , Ph . D .
Assistant Principal – Intermediate Program : Rebecca J . Cunningham , Ed . D . ox Chapel Area FOX CHAPEL AREA SCHOOL NEWS
Photo Courtesy Town and Country Studio
For the latest information on school activities and weather-related delays and cancellations , call the Fox Chapel Area School District 24-Hour Information Line at 412 / 967-2500 or visit the website at www . fcasd . edu .
The athletic events calendar can be found on the Fox Chapel Area School District athletic website at www . fcasdathletics . org and click on “ SCHEDULE STAR .”
Front Row ( left to right ): Sandra M . Garbisch , Assistant Secretary ( 2019 - Region II ); Gene Freeman , Ed . D ., Superintendent ; and Nancy B . Foster , Vice President ( 2019 - Region III )
Row 2 ( left to right ): Lisa M . Rutkowski ( 2019 - Region I ); Charles R . Burke Jr ., Treasurer ( 2017 - Region III ); Terry L . Wirginis , President ( 2019 - Region II ); and Joel R . Weinstein ( 2017 - Region III )
Row 3 ( left to right ): Somer Obernauer Jr . ( 2017 - Region I ); Dharmesh Vyas , M . D ., Ph . D . ( 2017 - Region II ); and Eric C . Schmidt ( 2019 - Region I )
Row 4 ( left to right ): L . Douglas McCausland , Board Secretary ; Paul J . Giuffre , Esq ., Solicitor ; and David P . McCommons , Ed . D ., Assistant Superintendent
28 Fox Chapel Area
The Fox Chapel Area School District is an equal rights and opportunity school district . The school district does not discriminate on the basis of race , color , age , creed , religion , gender , sexual orientation , ancestry , national origin , or handicap / disability . The district shall make reasonable accommodations for identified physical and mental impairments that constitute disabilities , consistent with the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations .
Additional information pertaining to civil rights , school district policies , and grievance procedures can be obtained by contacting the compliance officers listed below between 8 a . m . and 4 p . m . Monday-Friday . This notice is available from the compliance officers in large print , on audiotape , and in Braille .
Title IX : David P . McCommons , Ed . D . ( 412 / 967-2456 )
Section 504 and ADA : Lonnie Carey , Ed . D . ( 412 / 967-2435 )
Address :
Fox Chapel Area School District 611 Field Club Road Pittsburgh , PA 15238
Region I covers all of Sharpsburg Borough and Wards 2 , 3 , and 4 of O ’ Hara Township ; Region II covers Districts 2 , 4 , and 5 of Fox Chapel Borough and all of Indiana Township ; and Region III covers all of Aspinwall Borough , Blawnox Borough , Wards 1 and 5 of O ’ Hara Township , and Districts 1 and 3 of Fox Chapel Borough .
School Board regular business meetings are usually scheduled for the second Monday of each month at 7 p . m . and are held at the high school . The public is invited to attend .