IN Fox Chapel Area Summer 2016 | Page 16

sTUdeNT TraNspOrTaTiON 2700
2016-2017 ...........................................................$ 4,205,842 2015-2016 ...........................................................$ 4,138,161 Increase of .................................................................$ 67,681 % of change ................................................................ 1.64 % Cost per student .........................................................$ 1,026 % of budget ................................................................ 4.43 %
Includes : The transportation contract with the bus contractor for all of the district ’ s regular transportation including private , parochial , and special needs schools . Also includes transportation for state-mandated early intervention programs for prekindergarten-age children ( this transportation is provided throughout the summer months , as well as during the school year ).
Comments :
1 . The cost of transportation is increasing due to the established contract agreement rates , the addition of routes for special education placements , and scheduling changes at A . W . Beattie requiring an additional bus route .
OTHer admiNisTraTiVe serViCes 2900
2016-2017 ..............................................................$ 132,817 2015-2016 ..............................................................$ 153,000 Decrease of ............................................................. - $ 20,183 % of change ............................................................. -13.19 % Cost per student ..............................................................$ 32 % of budget ................................................................ 0.14 %
Includes : The district ’ s share of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit ( AIU ) administrative budget and funds for districtwide safety services .
Comments : 1 . The decrease is based on estimated costs for safety committee expenditures and costs for AIU services .
NONiNsTrUCTiONal serViCes 3000
2016-2017 ...........................................................$ 2,610,378 2015-2016 ...........................................................$ 2,562,396 Increase of .................................................................$ 47,982 % of change ................................................................ 1.87 % Cost per student ............................................................$ 637 % of budget ................................................................ 2.75 %
Includes : Salaries and supplies for student activities and athletic programs , in addition to transportation and event management costs for these programs .
Comments : 1 . The costs of supplemental contracts and officials ’ fees are increasing .
2 . The costs for supplies , transportation services , new uniforms , and field / facility maintenance for interscholastic events are increasing .
3 . Includes estimated increased costs for crossing guards .
FaCiliTies 4000
2016-2017 ..............................................................$ 251,700 2015-2016 ..............................................................$ 255,764 Decrease of .............................................................. - $ 4,064 % of change .............................................................. -1.59 % Cost per student ..............................................................$ 61 % of budget ............................................................... 0.27 %
Includes : Funds for site and building improvements .
Comments :
1 . Costs include paving , painting , athletic facilities improvements , emergency lighting installation , ceiling tile replacements , and purchase of moveable storage cabinets .
OTHer FiNaNCiNG 5000
2016-2017 .......................................................$ 4,555,091 2015-2016 .......................................................$ 5,368,207 Decrease of ......................................................... - $ 813,116 % of change ......................................................... -15.15 % Cost per student .....................................................$ 1,112 % of budget ............................................................. 4.80 %
Includes : Debt service ( mortgage ) payments on building renovations , refunds of tax payments received in previous years , and financing for capital leases on computer equipment and printing / duplicating devices .
Comments :
1 . The district issued new bonds for construction in 2013 , but retired bonds for the 2010 issue in April 2016 , and will be retiring bonds for the 2006 issue in September 2016 .
Salary and fringe benefit costs are increased for all district personnel in all budget categories .
The 2016-2017 budget figures reflect the adjusted budget as a result of transfers that occurred throughout the school year .
14 Fox Chapel Area