IN Fox Chapel Area Summer 2016 | Page 12


The 2016-2017 Fox Chapel Area School District proposed final budget calls for budgetary expenditures of $ 94,912,020 . The increase in expenditures over the previous year ’ s final budget is projected at $ 2,173,166 or 2.3 percent . The proposed final millage rate for 2016-2017 is 18.9822 mills . This will be an increase of 0.3539 mills , or a 1.9 percent increase in millage rate . The allowable increase under Act 1 , the Taxpayer Relief Act , for 2016-2017 is 2.4 percent . It is estimated that this increase will generate an additional $ 1.1 million to fund the district . One mill will equal approximately $ 3.3 million .

The School Board approved the 2016-2017 proposed final budget at its regular business meeting May 9 , 2016 . The Board will discuss the proposed final budget June 6 and June 13 during its meetings . The Board is expected to pass a final 2016-2017 budget at its meeting on June 13 . Residents are invited to attend the Board meetings which will be held on June 6 in the O ’ Hara Elementary School auditorium and June 13 in the high school large group instruction room . Both meetings begin at 7 p . m .
The 2016-2017 proposed final budget reflects the following :
— Salary line items are expected to increase 1.8 percent from last year ’ s budget . The district anticipates a reduction of overall professional staff by eight teachers due to retirements . Despite this reduction in staff , programs and services for students will remain at their current levels .
— Premium rate costs for medical insurance will increase by 2.25 percent , yet overall costs are projected to decrease by 0.018 percent . This decrease is the result of fewer employees being covered under district plans and a switch in medical programs being offered to a few employee groups .
— The school district ’ s contribution rate paid to the Public School Employees ’ Retirement System ( PSERS ) will increase from 25.84 percent to 30.04 percent . The school district will be contributing $ 13,474,001 to PSERS in 2016-2017 , compared to $ 9,332,761 in 2015-2016 – a 44.4 percent increase in cost to the district . The PSERS trustees determine the contribution rate increase annually .
— Equipment and computer purchases for the district are projected to cost $ 2,290,053 . This is a 26.3 percent increase . These items will allow the district to keep pace with a one-to-one technology initiative for Dorseyville Middle School students , purchase additional laptops for students at the high school , and to replace aging computers and laptops for staff .
— Transportation costs are increasing due to additional routes and busses needed to support routes for special education placements , as well as A . W . Beattie Career Center scheduling changes .
— Costs for English as a Second Language ( ESL ), special education services for physical therapy , and tuition for charter school and other outside agencies continue to rise . The estimated increase for these expenditures is $ 570,125 or 15 percent .
The 2016-2017 proposed final budget is endorsed by the district ’ s Resource Planning Committee , a group of residents with financial and management backgrounds that provide additional expertise to the School Board on financial matters .
PSERS and Future Challenges The district will continue to face difficult budget years in the near future . It is estimated that under the current rate structure proposed for funding the state retirement system ( PSERS ), the district will pay out nearly $ 71 million over the next seven years . These unprecedented increases – combined with the limitations on increasing tax rates imposed under Act 1 – have necessitated the district to prepare for shortfalls in the budget .
The district currently has committed fund balance reserves of $ 12 million to cover the anticipated PSERS increases . The district will need to utilize $ 2,027,659 of these funds in 2016-2017 to “ bridge ” the gap in funding for PSERS and will continue to use committed fund balance reserves until
Taxpayer esTimaTed real esTaTe Tax liabiliTy
The median home in the Fox Chapel Area School District in
2016 is assessed at $ 207,700 . The chart below depicts the
estimated tax liability based on the school district millage rate
of 18.9822 for the 2016 tax year using a home assessed at
$ 100,000 ; $ 207,700 ( median home ); and $ 400,000 . The
homestead exclusion is calculated in the change in tax liability .
Median Home
2015 Assessed Value
$ 100,000.00
$ 207,700.00
$ 400,000.00
2015 Homestead Exclusion ($ 9,960.00 )
($ 9,960.00 )
($ 9,960.00 )
2015 Net Assessed Value
$ 90,040.00
$ 197,740.00
$ 390,040.00
2015 Millage Rate
2015 Tax Liability
$ 1,677.29
$ 3,683.56
$ 7,265.78
2016 Assessed Value
$ 100,000.00
$ 207,700.00
$ 400,000.00
2016 Homestead Exclusion * ($ 9,878.00 )
($ 9,878.00 )
($ 9,878.00 )
2016 Net Assessed Value *
$ 90,122.00
$ 197,822.00
$ 390,122.00
2016 Millage Rate
2016 Tax Liability *
$ 1,710.71
$ 3,755.10
$ 7,405.37
Annual Increase
$ 33.42
$ 71.54
$ 139.59
% Increase
1.99 %
1.94 %
1.92 %
Monthly Increase
$ 2.79
$ 5.96
$ 11.63
* This number is based upon the estimated distribution of gaming funds provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education on May 9 , 2016 .
1 .) These amounts can be reduced by two percent if paid in full during the discount period .
2 .) Senior citizens may qualify for a property tax rebate program available through the state .
3 .) The market value / assessed value will be reduced by $ 9,878 for those homeowners in the Fox Chapel Area School District with an approved homestead exclusion .
10 Fox Chapel Area