IN Fox Chapel Area Spring 2019 | Page 39

I n February, Fox Chapel Area grads Jenna Hayes and Will Docimo shared the stage for the first time since high school in Stage Right’s production of “The Last Five Years.” “Will was a senior when I was a freshman at Fox Chapel Area High School, and he landed the male lead in ‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’ while I was a tap flapper dancer in the show,” says Hayes. “I was honored to play the lead, but I’m pretty sure it was because it was the only role that didn’t have to tap dance,” laughs Docimo. “Jenna is a great dancer. I am an enthusiastic dancer, but they usually put me in the back.” “‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’ was the most fun show I had ever been a part of— until I was cast in ‘The Last Five Years’ of course!” adds Hayes. Both performers were active in theater during high school. Hayes sang in every choir—even conducting the ninth grade treble ensemble her senior year—danced in musicals all four years, and has a love for writing. Docimo was also part of several choral ensembles in addition to school musicals. Today, the two do their best to keep up with their passion for performing while taking part in other avenues of life. Hayes, 26, currently lives in Shadyside and is newly engaged to her fiancé Lucas, also a musician. She has a Bachelor of Science in Music Education, Pre-K through 12, from Duquesne University. Docimo, 29, still lives in O’Hara Township, now with his wife, Phoebe Handler. He’s studying for his doctorate in Accounting at the University of Pittsburgh and has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from Notre Dame. Hayes cultivated her passion for dance at a very young age, taking tap, ballet, gymnastics, and jazz and competing as an Irish dancer. Later, she directed her passions toward the more traditional musical theater venue, pursuing private voice lessons and performing in some of the professional shows with Pittsburgh Musical Theater. Docimo, on the other hand, stumbled into his passion for musical theater almost by accident. “My older sister, Katherine, is an incredible performer and loves musical theater, and my mom had a rule that at least two kids had to do every activity,” he says. “So I got dragged along to an after- school theater program, and I’ve loved musical theater ever since.” Both found their way to Stage Right and have performed in several shows over the past few years. Hayes is the organization’s current vice president and educational director, and has been stage- managing shows for the last two-and-a- half years. “‘The Last Five Years’ is the story of a real doomed relationship, with all of the peaks and valleys that come along with it—it’s funny, romantic and tragic, sometimes all within the same song,” says Docimo, who played the character Jamie Wellerstein—a writer who falls in love right before experiencing enormous success with his first novel. “He’s certainly self-centered, but lives life with passion,” continues Docimo. “I was lucky to perform with someone as gifted as Jenna—it made the process so easy, once I got over being intimidated by her ability.” Hayes played the other character in the two-person musical by Jason Robert Brown—Cathy Hiatt, a struggling actress who moved to New York City and falls in love with a young, talented and soon- to-be famous author. “Being able to star opposite Will was very humbling because he’s older and is full of talent.” The show ran for three sold-out performances at Aspinwall Riverfront Park. Both Hayes and Docimo encourage people who love musical theater and performing to pursue it in whatever capacity they can. “Don’t worry if you can’t commit to being a performer full time,” says Hayes. “Sometimes it’s better to have music, dance and acting become a side part of your existence so they don’t overwhelm or discourage. I’m grateful to Stage Right for giving me a place where I can perform as well as teach other young people the joys of performing.” “As a non-artist myself, my only advice is to take advantage of whatever artistic outlets you can,” adds Docimo. “I really enjoy that I can participate in great local theater despite a busy schedule.”   ■ FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ SPRING 2019 37