IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2019 | Page 35

horse and carriage rides, and “Elf on the Shelf Hide and Seek.” 2020 LUCKY NUMBER TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR HOLIDAY SEASON The Sisters of Divine Providence announced the availability of the 2020 Lucky Number ticket—a great holiday gift idea. The fundraiser is based on the Pick 3 Day and Evening PA Lottery games. Each $25 number is valid from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31—yours for the entire year! Daily winners receive a minimum of $25 up to $150 on select days throughout the year when their three-digit number is selected. To participate in the 2020 Lucky Number fundraiser, visit LuckyNumber or call 412.635.5401. Your participation helps support the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence. THE PITTSBURGH CONCERT CHORALE ANNOUNCES 2019- 2020 SEASON The Pittsburgh Concert Chorale (PCC) has announced its 2019-2020 concert schedule, which celebrates 35 years of singing. The concert schedule is as follows: Pittsburgh Sings: The Eighth Annual Pittsburgh Concert Chorale Festival of Choirs takes place at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 27, at Carnegie Music Hall (Oakland). Area high school choirs will join Pittsburgh Concert Chorale in an afternoon of music hosted by KDKA’s John Shumway. Tickets are free for this event, and it is part of Allegheny Regional Asset District’s RADical Days. Big Band Christmas, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, and 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, at Ingomar United Methodist Church; and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church. PCC joins forces with the Jazz Conspiracy Swingtet for Christmas music with a swing! Messiah Sing, 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15, at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Allison Park. Audience members are invited to sing with the choir members, professional orchestra, and soloists to Part 1 of Handel’s masterwork. Carmina Burana, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, at Ingomar United Methodist Church and 4 p.m. Sunday, March 1, at Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland. The epic masterpiece by Carl Orff will be performed by the PCC with Orff ’s authorized arrangement for two pianos and percussion. In April, the PCC celebrates 35 years with a Gala Celebration! From a silent auction to a dessert bar, further information for this April 17 event will be posted on the website soon. 35 Years of Favorites, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 2, at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church, and 4 p.m. Sunday, May 3, at Ingomar United Methodist Church. The concert will feature favorite songs suggested by singers and audience members from the past 34 seasons. Individual concert tickets are available for purchase in advance or at the door. Prices are: Adults – $20 ($23 at the door); students – $8; and no admission cost for children 11 and under. For Festival of Choir and Messiah Sing, admission is free. Tickets may be ordered online at or by calling 412.635.7654. 412-781-7026 Glenshaw, PA 15116 Lic. #: PA030368 HIRING FULL & PART TIME DRIVERS FREE HOLIDAY PHOTOS WITH BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES THE PREFERRED REALTY Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices The Preferred Realty will be hosting its annual free holiday photo shoot at the office located at 1376 Freeport Road in Fox Chapel on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A professional photographer will be on hand with holiday sets to take photographs of you and your family, which make for great holiday cards! This is the office’s way of showing appreciation and gratitude to clients and community. Call 412.782.3700 for more information and to reserve your time slot. n $15.50/HOUR FULL TIME, YEAR-ROUND + BENEFITS • Paid Time Off • Sign On Bonus • Health, Dental, Vision Insurance • 401K • Flexible Schedule • Overtime Available • No CDL Required • Driver Rewards Program Call Anny at 412-406-8611 For the North Hills Area FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ FALL 2019 33