IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 17

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools Elementary PSSA Results Comparison by Building Fairview Elementary Grades 3-5 Hartwood Elementary Grades 3-5 Kerr Elementary Grades 3-5 O’Hara Elementary Grades 3-5 State Averages Grades 3-5 2015 Math 87.5% 72.4% 58.3% 78.6% 45.2% 2018 Math 95.8% 84.5% 74.9% 85.8% 47.6% 2015 ELA 94.1% 81.4% 70.5% 86.9% 60.8% 2018 ELA 98.2% 90.2% 82.7% 89.6% 60.9% 2015 2018 Science* Science* 98.6% 100% 89.8% 95.3% 90.6% 96.8% 87.5% 92.6% 77.3% 75.5% % = Percent scoring advanced and profi cient; ELA = English Language Arts *Science is only tested at grade four. Middle School PSSA Results Comparison DMS Grades 6-8 State Averages Grades 6-8 2015 Math 57.0% 34.1% 2018 Math 67.9% 36.5% 2015 ELA 80.8% 59.1% 2018 ELA 86.4% 61.9% 2015 2018 Science* Science* 79.9% 78.6% 58.8% 53.9% % = Percent scoring advanced and profi cient; ELA = English Language Arts *Science is only tested at grade eight. District Elementary 2015-2018 PSSA Math/ELA/Science Scores Comparison 3 rd Grade Math 3 rd Grade ELA 2015 82.0% 88.0% 2016 85.6% 86.6% 2017 88.4% 90.3% 2018 91.0% 93.4% 4 th Grade Math 4 th Grade ELA 4 th Grade Science* 70.5% 80.3% 90.8% 75.8% 83.4% 91.8% 81.0% 86.3% 95.3% 81.6% 87.9% 95.7% 5 th Grade Math 5 th Grade ELA 72.3% 82.8% 71.2% 83.8% 78.6% 86.1% 83.4% 88.7% % = Percent scoring advanced and profi cient; ELA = English Language Arts *Science is only tested at grade four. Middle School 2015-2018 PSSA Math/ELA/Science Scores Comparison 6 th Grade Math 6 th Grade ELA 2015 59.9% 80.6% 2016 69.3% 81.6% 2017 57.2% 83.1% 2018 67.9% 84.9% 7 th Grade Math 7 th Grade ELA 53.3% 77.8% 60.9% 87.5% 67.0% 85.2% 68.4% 87.0% 8 th Grade Math 8 th Grade ELA 8 th Grade Science* 58.3% 84.4% 79.9% 60.5% 81.0% 78.5% 66.1% 86.7% 79.0% 67.4% 87.0% 78.6% % = Percent scoring advanced and profi cient; ELA = English Language Arts *Science is only tested at grade eight. • The PSSA ELA assessment encompasses reading, writing, and language arts. • Students in grades three-eight take the ELA and math assessments. • Students in grades four and eight also take a science assessment. • Students are rated as Advanced, Profi cient, Basic, and Below Basic based on their display of grade-level skills. Fox Chapel Area students always score above the state averages. Continued on next page FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ FALL 2018 15