IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 15

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools Proactive Plan to Protect Students and Staff   School safety was front and center as a priority in the district. The administration and staff conducted a communitywide meeting for parents and residents regarding safety in April. In an effort to ensure safety, the district has implemented the following:   • There is a safety plan that has been approved by the district and endorsed by local police departments. Staff members have received safety training, and there were safety drills held at each of the school buildings. Students also participated in age-appropriate safety training.   • School resource offi cers continued to be assigned to the high school and middle school and also spent time at each of the elementary schools. The Board of School Directors has hired a safety and security coordinator who will oversee the creation of a school police force. The plan is to hire four additional police offi cers during the 2018-2019 school year who will cover each of the schools. The school police force will be under the direction of the new safety and security coordinator and will work in cooperation with the local municipal police forces in the district. The offi cers will be armed and will be retired federal agents or state, municipal, or military police offi cers or sheriffs.   • Hartwood Elementary School was upgraded with a new secure vestibule. Each of the six schools have a locked lobby area where visitors are greeted by a staff member and must sign in before gaining entrance to the school. The district has also purchased a subscription to the Raptor visitor system that screens driver’s licenses of visitors for criminal records and this new protocol will be implemented during the 2019-2020 school year.   • The district established confi dential telephone, email, and website tip lines so that students and parents can report safety issues.   • The district stresses the importance of relationships related to school safety. Safety nets are in place for students who may be struggling with social or emotional issues.   • All parent volunteers are required to have clearances. Language Immersion Program Demographic trends indicate that in 25 years, English will no longer be the dominate language in America. Students entering the workforce will have a defi nite advantage if they are fl uent in a second language in areas such as business, technology, medicine, education, and law. Not only that, research has shown that children who are bilingual exhibit higher cognitive ability and executive functioning skills as they mature. Language immersion programs are beginning to pop up in schools across the country. During the 2017-2018 school year, Fox Chapel Area School District made the decision to create a Spanish Immersion pilot program that will be open to 25 incoming fi rst graders selected from all four elementary schools beginning in the 2019-2020 school year at the new Kerr Elementary School. The students will spend the majority of their school day listening, speaking, and learning core subjects in Spanish. The plan is for these students to continue the Spanish Immersion program throughout elementary school. The program is the fi rst of its kind in Western Pennsylvania. In preparation for the new program, district staff members have been choosing curriculum in Spanish that matches Fox Chapel Area’s traditional elementary curriculum, and the students will be taught by highly-qualifi ed teachers who are fl uent in Spanish. Beginning last spring and continuing during the 2018-2019 school year, staff members are sharing the message about the value of young students learning a new language to parents and community members throughout the district. FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ FALL 2018 13