IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 10

aining, the and world. there were held at round The safety teams drills were challenged to research and design robots that imp ated in age-appropriate safety training. he human water cycle.  he high school and middle school and also he Pittsburgh Business Times ranked Fox Chapel Area High School number one in ard of School Directors has hired a safety and Allegheny County based on 2017 ACT scores and number two in Allegheny County fo Construction a school police force. The plan is Begins to hire four on New Kerr School he 2017 SAT scores. The number fi ve School in the for The their ACT scores, e ol Kerr community came together to break ground for were the new Kerr Elementary July state 10, 2018. new building is being a year who will cover each of students the schools. nstructed on 11 the same property as News the current School on the lower fi eld (the current playground). School number in the state for their Kerr SAT scores.   and the new safety and security coordinator In his opening remarks, Superintendent Gene Freeman, Ed.D., described the ce forces in the district. The offi cers will be nonprofi groundbreaking a “grand Special Kerr Elementary f ox c h as a t pe l a r e occasion.” a s ch o o l dedicated d is guests t r ict included | to s tat e of t he child s ch S 2 017 - 2 018 ommon Sense Media, the national organization helping rising fi fth grader Sophia Jacobs and incoming kindergartner Veronica Mascilli, al nicipal, or military police offi cers or sheriffs. FOX CHAPEL AREA nd families thrive in a world of digital media and technology, recognized with Kerr alum John A. Meinert. Mr. Meinert, who still lives on his Fox family Chape farm abo mile the from Kerr School, expressed that he year. was looking transition fr Area as a Common for 2017-2018 school The forward award to the recognize new secure vestibule. Sense Each of District the six a the old to the new. He and his wife sent their eight children to Kerr, and eight of t greeted by a staff has member and must grandchildren sign hat the district demonstrated a commitment to there. taking a whole-community appro also attended They anticipate that a fourth generation of Me children will be attending school at the new Kerr. also purchased a subscription to o t has preparing its students to use the power of digital media to explore, create, connect   the new construction will provide critical realm, updates to such Kerr and will include several f nd visitors criminal records the and perils this The new learn, for while limiting that exist in the online as plagiarism, innovative features. Centrally located in the new building will be a collaboratory s 20 school year. oss of privacy, and cyberbullying. that The recognition also students acknowledged the district’s includes a large area where will gather to work on projects, conduct research, collaborate, and plan. There will be a makerspace, a SMALLab learning ommitment to creating a culture of digital learning and citizenship.  ail, and website tip lines so that students space, and a computer science robotics lab, in addition to a traditional library. The Kerr will include space for a language immersion program in which classes will be primarily taught in Spanish and will be open to students across the related to school safety. Safety nets are in There will also be space for a prekindergarten district. assroom, along with the Creativity and Literacy Program. al or emotional issues. nstruction will Fox continue throughout the 2018-2019 Chapel Area School District school year and is scheduled to be completed in e s. fall of 2019. 9 It is Message anticipated the cost of the new Kerr Elementary School will Arts be approximately from the Superintendent 21 Fine and Music Achievements 21 million. 10 Highlights 23 Staff Awards and Accomplishments % = Percent scoring advanced and profi cient The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments administered at various grade levels and the results are 12 Construction Begins banked on New Kerr School School Board until the students’ junior year for accountability purposes. Fox Chapel Area students continue to score well above state averages in all three subject areas assessed. 13 Proactive Plan to Protect Students and Staff 24 Summer Learning sion Program Language Immersion Program 26 Service to the Community h will no longer be the dominate language 2018 Senior Year SAT Scores 14 Student Achievement 27 Mean 2017-2018 Fox Chapel Athletic Accomplishments Fox Chapel Area e a defi nite 18 advantage they are fl uent in ERW 604 30 Fox Chapel Area High School Class of 2018 Student Awards if and Achievements Math 600 20 Science and Technology Recognitions logy, medicine, education, and law. Not ERW = Evidence-Based Reading & Writing A total of 270 members (78 percent) of the 345 students in the Class of 2018 took the SAT during their junior ilingual exhibit higher cognitive and School students have outscored the state and nation on the SAT in all or senior year. Fox ability Chapel Area High the Schools.indd 4 subject areas for many years. State and national SAT mean scores were not available for 2018 at press time. Fox Chapel Area High School 2018 AP Test Results                 Tests Scored 3+   p up in schools across the country. During Total AP 690 Tests       Taken                                       314 District made the decision to create a Spanish The high school offered 26 Advanced Placement (AP) courses during the 2017-2018 school year and all many four students take multiple courses. Success on an AP exam is defi ned oming fi rst 8 graders selected from as a score of 3 or higher which represents the score point that research fi nds predictive college success and School. college graduation. More than 93 percent of Fox Chapel Area ool year at the new Kerr of Elementary                 Total AP Students                               336                               FOX CHAPEL AREA