2016-2017 fox chapel area school district state of the schools
Computer Science Curriculum Revised to Address Coding , Programming , and Robotics
District staff members developed a new and redesigned computer science curriculum at the elementary and middle school levels that includes coding , programming , and robotics beginning in kindergarten . Students use these tools to first learn the basics , and then they use and apply them in cross-curricular projects . This past year , for example , Dorseyville Middle School students used their district-provided iPads and Hummingbird Duo Robotics Kits TM to create a museum-type display to demonstrate what they learned by creating circuits , coding the Hummingbirds , and researching their topics about westward expansion in the United States . A group of fifth graders discovered they could take their new-found knowledge of coding and robotics – and some recycled materials gathered in their art classes – to create robotic-driven “ junkbot ” works of art . Even the youngest students learned the rudiments of coding , computer science , and robotics through games such as Puzzlets TM and Bee-Bots ® .
At the high school level , a new Advanced Placement course , Principles of Computer Science , was implemented and was geared toward students who may benefit from programming skills , yet may not be intending to major in a computer science field . This college-level course provides a broad-range of concepts that allows students to use technology in programming as a means to solve computational problems and is designed with a focus on multidisciplinary creative problem solving and real-world applications . Additionally , the high school continues to offer classes in robotics , engineering , electronics , and architecture and high school students use these tools and concepts in other curricular areas .
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• High school senior Ellen Pil advanced , for the second year in a row , to the semifinal round in Student Congress at the National Catholic Forensic League Grand National Championship Tournament . This accomplishment placed Ellen in the top 60 students in the nation . In addition , five other Fox Chapel Area High School students advanced to the national tournament .
• High school art teacher Sarah Stewart was selected as one of 53 participants in the 2017 National Gallery of Art Teacher Institute on Art of the Renaissance held in Washington , D . C . The six-day seminar brought together teachers of art , English , history , math , and related subjects from 22 different states .
• High school math teacher Kristine Yacamelli was selected to receive the University of Chicago ’ s Outstanding Educator Award . She was nominated by 2016 Fox Chapel Area High School graduate Anja Schempf , a student at the University of Chicago .
• High school social studies teacher Jen Klein was named an “ Outstanding Teacher ” by Denison University . She was nominated by 2016 graduate Cami Walter .
• Middle school art teacher Nanci Goldberg was chosen , for the second year in a row , to take an educational trip with other educators through Classrooms Without Borders . In the summer of 2017 , she traveled to Israel as part of an arts and culture trip .
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