IN Cranberry Spring 2019 | Page 34

SPONSORED CONTENT BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SPONSORED CONTENT PE TS N E ED TO A DA PT T O THE I R N E W H OM E T O O! Tips For A Smooth Transition Once you move, return to your pet's daily schedule right away. Set up your pet's bowls, bed and toys in locations similar to where they were in your previous home. Give your pet lots of attention. Spend extra time just being together, taking walks & playing. If you have to be away at work, consider hiring a dog walker to take your dog out to exercise, and to help your pet adapt to the new environment. Stress from the new environment might cause your pet to lose their appetite. Be sure to locate a veterinarian ahead of time just in case they are needed. Seek recommendations from neighbors or your real estate agent so you can be prepared. Be patient. Some pets will be perfectly comfortable in a few days while others will need some additional time. Kim, Scott & Todd Van Horn Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices The Preferred Realty 730 Parkwood Drive Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 Office: 724-776-9705 Ext 3507 Cell: 412-215-3542 32 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE ❘